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Old 01-24-2007, 06:39 PM   #9
and amen I say unto you
Mephistopheles's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 328

These are some of my favorite ideas; most all of them I have tried in some fashion or another...

Go to a bathroom, and get naked. Stow your clothing in a stall, lock it from the inside, and climb out from under the door. (This way, your boxers and jeans stay safe. Having them stolen while naked would be interesting, to say the least.) Now then, the dare is to go to a different bathroom then the one you are in and get a roll of toilet paper. Depending on the layout of your school, this can be a very fun, stealth-shooter-esque dare consisting of hiding in side halls, empty rooms, etc. to avoid being seen or...well, it can be complete suicide.

This is another fun one. Get naked in a bathroom, hide in one of the stalls that is at either end of the row of stalls. Wait til somebody is somewhere in the restroom, and try and make it to the stall at the other end.

This one is rather simple....while in the changing rooms for athletics (before the class starts, preferably before many people are there), get naked, and attempt to do some simple exercises, such as 50 jumping jacks, 25 pushups, etc.

The last one is simple: get naked somewhere, and go get a drink of water from a fountain. Can be hard or easy, depending on the location.

Try as many or as few as you want; I will try and think up some more dares for you if I have any ideas.
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