Thread: heathermid
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Old 03-21-2008, 10:45 PM   #11
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me i was saying>>>>>>>

Lonner and Fowlerstien froze on the spot while the teacher looked at them in discust.She had told Fowerstien that she was gonna get a detention and apalajize to Lonner. Fowerstien was in rage by that time but didn't want to get introuble so she had told the teacher what happend but Miss.Cox still said she had to say sorry. Fowlertien stomped toward Lonner and said "Lonner i hate you! But i need to say sorry so sorry!!". Lonner however had other ideas and said " the only ways i will accept your apology is by having you kiss me " . By then Lonner thought he was a big shot because if she didn't do it then she would have a saturday school. Fowlerstien's eyes grew wide as she glared at Lonner but then said fine. She had grabed him by the arm and kissed his hand. Now Fowlerstien thought this was a geniouse plan until he had grabbed her waist right when she was about to go. As she struggled to get out of his arm he pulled his face towards his and started kissing her. Fowlerstien had lost alot of her pride and self respect when doing dares but she certinly didnt want to give up her dignitiy as well so she zipped her lips shut so that he couldn't continue his master plan.As she continued to try to get free Lonner felt more manly when showing off to his friends so he started humping her as well ( his cock began to grow hard). This was the last straw for Fowlerstein so she finaly kicked as hard as she could at his cock.he yelped in pain and fell to his nees while shutting his eyes and holing his privates.Fowlerstien had finaly regained her self respect and headed towards her seat (where her friend sat still mocking her) although she was now braless.Lonner now thought she was a real bitch but kept the bra as a suivinere that he could show his friends.
Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

Don't ask me to be your mistress or slave. I will not accept so don't waste your time!

These are videos I have to show you guys:

Last edited by AM.PM; 03-21-2008 at 11:00 PM. Reason: because i had to
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