Thread: Non-Fiction: The Matcher (MxM)
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Old 10-11-2011, 03:01 PM   #9
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 6

"You know how you said 10 years ago we'd always be friends forever no matter what? Well, I need to tell you something..."

Kye stared into Sam's deep hazel eyes. He felt a massive lump in his throat, as he was just doubting weather to come clean. He had trusted Sam with everything but was this just a step too far? He didn't know how his best friend would react: He wanted him to know, but didn't want to lose him. He took one last look into his innocent eyes and whispered, almost shamefully, "I like you..."

"What?" Sam replied, astounded. One of his eyebrows lowered slightly as he blinked with confusion. Slightly sarcastically, he said "Really?"

"Yeah... It's just that" Kye was reduced to a level just above a whisper, he lowered his head down and stared at his worn, black trainers dangling above the grey cobble floor. His hood had fallen over his head, covering up most of his face from Sam. "Whenever I'm with you I feel like nothing else matters, you make me feel...special."

A silence lowered over the pair, Sam looked up at the autumnal tree above them, it's leaves rustling and tumbling in the wind. He buttoned up his coat slightly, it was getting a bit colder. He stared up at the leaves as he contemplated what his best friend had just revealed to him. Kye continued to look at the ground, swinging his legs a little, letting his untied shoelaces skate across the floor. He began to wonder if it was such a good idea revealing all of this to Sam, was he disgusted? What was he going to do?

The sound of a motorbike driving past took Sam out of his deep thinking, he was again aware of what was happening around him. He could make out the sound of some sniffles coming from his friend next to him, wrapped up in a thick, black pea coat. He worried about Kye, and moved up a little next to him.

"Kye. Hey, don't be like that. Come here" Sam wrapped his arm around Kyes shoulders and started rubbing his hand up and down his arm to comfort him. "I still think you're a great friend, this has come as a shock. I just... I need some time to think things through."

Kye raised his head, stared ahead and wiped his eyes. His nose was red raw from the cold. "Yeah..." he mumbled.

Sam replied "Lets go inside, you look a bit cold. I'll buy you a hot chocolate." Looking at his friend, Sam pulled Kye a little closer so their sides were touching, and tapped his arm twice with his hand, then let go of the embrace.

"Thanks." Kye answered. The two lifted themselves off of the bench and began to walk down the high street to the nearest coffee shop, a somewhat humble silence between them.

They had walked past numerous closed shops and empty buildings, such is the fate of any English high-street in these past few years. Sam stopped at one particular window display and looked in. It was a weird mashup of hanging picture frames and happy couples. Sam looked at this for a few seconds before Kye had realised his friend had stopped.

"Kye, come here. I want to show you something"...


There we go guys, I hope you enjoyed it! <3
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