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Old 04-18-2024, 05:53 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2024
Location: Miami
Posts: 38
Female Update

Hi everyone,

Thank you for sharing some rules and suggestions on what she needs to do or rules for daily basis. As we have been talking to Anita, understanding her previous rules, we don't think many of them would apply as she serves us as a slave. To give a general sense, you can see some of the examples below on what we will not allow/ or allow and this list may increase as we see more:

She has and will have a proper room of her own, with all the nice bed and mattress, makeup table, her own restroom, mirrors, etc. She needs to feel comfortable in the living space and safe

She will have proper set of clothes over the period of time catering to different times. For e.g., she will need lingerie, bikinis, general clothes when we go out for lunches, coffee or dinner, something for attending parties, events, and then something which will be specific for the BDSM session at home as well as when she joins us for the community meet

She will not have any restriction on bath schedule or water temperatures. These will be used as part of punishments but not really a daily schedule.

We have seen the desire to not allow lingerie at all to slaves or subs but you won't believe that these are great tool to include in play. Imagine asking her to remove her thong and hand it over to me in semi-public space or any similar task. It can be exhilarating and fun moment for everyone. So please, no rules like never allow her to wear panties and bras.

She will have to workout regularly to stay in shape and she will have to do house work, upskill herself based on which we will give her the monthly allowance to save or spend however she likes. We all can agree that she will have needs and desire outside of living 24/7 as a sub to us as well as the getdare community

These are just some examples, but hopefully I am able to drive the point home as you all suggest the rules for lovely Anita and any outfit suggestions.

Thank you,
Joanna and Kevin
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