Thread: tree house club
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Old 02-25-2024, 09:30 PM   #26
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Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 37

Jenny finished drying the dishes at her house relived that her embarrassing day was almost over and she was safely back home and not exposed to people like she was earlier. Even though she had a mask on and nobody recognized her she still felt humiliated knowing some of her school friends were watching at the time and wished she had never let herself get into that satiation in the first place but Jenny only had herself to blame and now there was no way out of it.

Finishing the dishes Jenny waited for her parents to go to bed as they often did around that time in order to get up for work in the morning then she went to her room and locked the door behind her then she lay on her bed and pulled out the envelope that Joan had gave her with the IOU in it and started to read.

“Hello Jenny. By now you should be home in your room getting ready to go to bed but before you do you have my IOU to complete and here is something to think about, after this IOU you only have another six to go and seeing we were impressed with your effort today so as not to have compromising photos of yourself left with your face in them the last six IOU’S will get harder and harder so as to amuse us and if we think your effort isn’t good enough then we will send some photos to all your brothers friends and leave some in different places at school.”

“Don’t get to comfortable in your bed because this IOU is in three parts and the first part starts now and the first part of your IOU to us is as follows”

“I Jenny will do the following for the first part of the IOU. I will change out of whatever I am wearing at the time and I will put on some shorts a t-shirt and some shoes and socks but I will not wear any panties or bra underneath my clothes then it should be dark outside so I will call you to let you know I am on my way then climb out my window and go for a ride on my bike until I get to the all night diner and truck stop at the edge of town that is owned by the university and ran by the students to gain valuable work experience where I will meet you all there in a booth and receive my next part of my IOU.”

Jenny looked shocked then composed herself as she thought to herself that they were going to be extra mean to her until the IOU’S are used up but not having much of a choice in the matter and hoping they were only trying to scare her she reluctantly changed her clothes.

Sometimes Jenny wished she had a teens body like other girls her own age and not small breasts and petite and that’s what made her a special target for her friends but at least over the last week Jenny noticed that her previously bald pussy was now just visible with very light blond hair that was just visible if she looked very closely and when she touched her hair it wasn’t hard like normal pubic hair but very soft like a layer of fluff and she was so proud of herself for finally getting some there.

As Jenny built up enough courage to call Joan then climb out the window and then quietly so as not to wake her family walked down the side of her house and got her bike from the garage then started the ride to meet the others at the truck stop wondering what devout plans they had for her next seeing they had evidence over her she didn’t want shown to everyone in her town.

The ride seemed like it was taking forever but really it was all in Jenny’s mind as she couldn’t stop thinking of her now imminent fate that was just a few minutes away. Jenny could finally see the truck stop lights coming into the distance and slowed her riding down and took some deep breaths trying not to look flushed or red faced when she got there and just wanting to get whatever they had in mind to be over with and go back home to bed.
Jenny reached the truck stop and leaned her bike on the diner part of the truck stop wall and looked around at her surroundings.

She could see by her watch that it was quarter past nine at night and looking around she could see that there was no one at the fuel pumps and looking through the diner window she could see that there was only one staff member behind the counter and her friends were all sitting in one of the booths at the back of the diner eating some food and waiting for her.

Joan spotted Jenny looking through the window and with her hand she made a waving gesture as if to tell her to come in and sit down.

“I’m glad you decided to honor your IOU now sit down next to us and we will get you something to eat and drink” Joan said to her as she raised her hand calling over the waitress.

As the diner was completely empty she came straight over and said to Joan “How have you been Joan and what can we get for your friend?”

Jenny was surprised that the waitress was on good talking terms with Joan as if they knew each other.

“Jenny this is my cousin Tammy and she is a waitress and fuel pump attendant here some nights whenever she isn’t at university and Tammy was telling me that Sunday nights here is mostly dead apart from the odd car or truck and a few friends from the university up the road that come here late at night for a free coffee.”

“Jenny will have a coke for now” replied Joan as Tammy walked back to the counter to get the drink then returned with it and sat it down in front of Jenny who was now nervously holding another envelope that Joan had just passed to her.

“Well open it up and tell us what’s written in it or your brother will see you in a Diaper topless and sucking a boy’s cock, now you wouldn’t like that would you?”

Revealing her fate Jenny opened the envelope and slowly took out the piece of paper and with all eyes on her poor Jenny in a now timid voice started to read what was in the IOU and read it.

“I Jenny now knowing that waitress Tammy is working alone tonight will be at her beck and call as she teaches me to work at the truck stop diner and I will obey the following rules until I receive my last part of my IOU.”

“Rule one. If any university girls come in tonight for something to eat or drink I will tell them there is a special offer with any order.”

“Tonight’s special offer is with anything ordered the customer receives one free dare of their choice to give to me and I will do it while they eat or drink for their entertainment.”

“Rule two. Once Tammy points out a girl from the university I will use the dice behind the counter and roll it.”

“If I roll a one or two I will go immediately and serve the customer as I am.”

“If the dice lands on a three or four I will take off my t-shirt and serve the customer topless.”

If I’m unfortunate to roll a five or six then I will remove my shorts and t-shirt and serve the customer in only my shoes and socks no matter who is in the diner at the time.”

Failure to follow both rules to Tammy’s satisfaction will result in a free photo of you given to every university student that comes in over the next weekend some of them know your brother and his friends.”

Jenny just sat there with her mouth open not knowing what to say about what she just read and looked around at the others grinning at her and at this point Jenny realized that they were serious about pushing her to see how far she would be prepared to go for their enjoyment and Jenny’s humiliation.
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