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Old 01-03-2024, 07:31 AM   #8
Junior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Germany; Lowersaxony
Posts: 24
Blog Entries: 5

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Not inside a school but on a schooltrip in a roller coaster park.
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
No but on purpose once
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Thank god no
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
Yes, I once got some pretty extreme cramps while in selfbondage to the point i had to wake my father up so I could get free and get some magnesium
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
No, I am still a virgin btw.
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
My sister walked in on me, Icould hide myself under my blanked but she could very clerly see the porn running on my laptop.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
Only heard it, bad enough
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Yes, in an crowded subway even and a classmate pointed it out loudly
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Yes, once or twice
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
I have fallen a staircase up before
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Somewhat, I created a groupchat with all the kinky people on the party(me and two others) we were all drunk though and no ever mentioned it after the party, no one left thought
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Not in a serious manner, only to mock someone
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
Dont really text people to begin with
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My collection of toys
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Not that I am aware of
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
I bought a chair and it broke after like 3 months and as i wanted to contact the because of the garantee the company didnt even exist anymore
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Yes very often but nothing to bad
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? Not really i dont really argue with people
25. Have you ever been in jail?
I ripped a door out in there and took it with me
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Yes, In my work uniform iripped a large hole right next to the sipper and i had run aroud with it for around 3 day s too, but it was not too visible
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Not since i was 4
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
No all my teachers were really old or male
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Shego and Akeno Himejima
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
When I was with friends I accidentally pushed a wine class off the table
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
I havent been on a date
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
Never cheated , never Scammed, Acidentally stole something with no one notecing not even me
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
yes because of a ladder i was carrying
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
sometimes i have one or two in the face
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
It was empty once in a public toilette but someone was washing their hads and as i called out to them they got me a spair roll of toilet paper that

Some where actually embarrassing to answer, good jop!
Dick 2"/4"

If someone is up for some Chatting I am open!

E-Mail: [email protected] Tied_up_Maid

Discord: dyingeasily

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