Thread: An idea
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Old 03-06-2008, 03:54 PM   #8
Junior Member
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Posts: 11

Originally Posted by mercyou View Post
I have thought of a great idea...

How about authers actually finish a story before posting it all?

I for one am getting sick and tired of getting into a story and the author goes missing then comes back asking his loyal readers for ideas.

Mate the reason we are into your stories is because they are your ideas and they are great and surpricing if we give you idea's for your story it kind of ruins the fun out of it

I means its all fun writing your own story (kelly) but its never as good as reading another interesting story where you do't know whats going to happen.

Also if you write up your own story in Microsoft word or works prossesor if getdare crashes or reloads the page when you are writing your story you are not going to lose an of your work its a simple copy/ paste away.

Also if you type it up before you post it microsoft word has is own inbuilt spell check so there will be less errors in your finished product.

So how about it....

Be Loyal To Your Readers

And write your story start to end before you post it.

I know i will be certainly doing it.

Come on i dare you to

Kindest regards

You are totally right. There are so many good stories here that need to be finished. If you right a story, right a little bit at a time, but finish it in a week. NOT A MONTH.
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