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Old 12-31-2023, 09:11 AM   #4
Distinguished Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 845


Toilet Control: You can only use a specific toilet once per day, if you use one more than once in a 24 hour period, you pay a punishment, for the next 3 days when using that toilet you must hover not sit on it.

Blowjob practice: Anytime you have a banana you must give it a blowjob before you eat it.

Body Writing:
Keep "I am controlled by getdare" in sharpie on your body somewhere that can be covered by normal clothing, you get to chose the location each time but as the sharpie starts to fade you will write it somewhere else.

Open up a thread that allows people to add phrases to you that are on you till they fade only.

Sleep handcuffed once a week if possible, if in a dorm with others that is up to you.

Attend one class a week with a clothespin or tight rubber band somewhere on your body. Acting as a hair tie does not count.

What limits would you put around clothing control?
For example could we put a rule around underwear such as you can only wear a bra or panties but not both at the same time unless you ask for permission and get two people from here to say yes.
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