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Old 09-11-2011, 06:30 AM   #1
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World Why S/M is NOT for underage?

It’s a known bitter truth that many underage girls and boys are like to explore the S/m area and most of them are trying to be slaves or masters. There is nothing wrong in exploring that area when you become an adult. But S/m is strictly not for children. There are some reasons why I’m writing this.
1. I need to tell and do whatever I can do to protect kids from S/m and lustful people in the world. This thread may be insignificant and I may be insignificant in this community. But I want to do what I can.

2. As we all can see, getDare staff is putting so much effort to NOT to involve underage girls and boys in to S/m. They are doing an excellent job by banning the underage accounts who is trying to involve in S/m and by thrashing the underage S/m posts. I need to help them as much as I can.

3. Isn’t it so sad to see people are involving children to fulfill their lustful desires? I have a real ache inside me and I need to at least tell the world that there are people who don’t like it and we are trying our best to stop it.
As an underage girl/boy, why shouldn’t you participate in S/M?

If S/m is good for your age, why there is a legal age limit for that?

Well, the sentence above does not clear the main question. It’s another question rather than an answer to the main question. So I’ll try to clear it up more.
First, a person must involve in S/m with so much responsibility and with a good education about sexual activities. There is very less probability that children are having good education knowledge about sex and they are responsible persons. No offense for children here. There are some children who are responsible and educated than adults. But I’m talking generally.

Second, a person must grow physically to be ELIGILBLE to have sex. I hope everyone can understand what I’m telling here. I’m not good in Biological science so I’m not going to explain this in detail. If anyone is good in Biology, s/he is welcome to explain it.

Third, children must learn about rest of the things (Especially about the anatomy of human body and re production of mankind) before they peek in to S/m. S/m is not just sex and it’s not a game. It’s whole lot more than normal sex.

Fourth, S/m is not a Fairytale you are reading when you are going to bed. Masters are not Mickey Mouse and Slaves are not Scooby Doo. S/m is a really nice thing which a person can have so much pleasure with. But not to forget that if we hurry and if we fall in to wrong hands, there is nothing worse than that in your sexual life. If you involve with S/m activities in your child age and if you fall in to a trouble, are you capable of overcome the situation?
Above are some main points for why children should NOT participate in S/m. There are many.

If you encounter with a tragic situation in S/m lifestyle, when you are underage, you will never try that lifestyle again. So please be patience. Do things when it’s right time to do it. Do not hurry yourself. There are tons of things to try at your age but NOT S/m! Wait until you are ready for it. Do not eat the cake when your stomach is not yet ready to take it!

Is getDare is a good place for children?

Of course it is. Most of the people here really DO CARE about children. getDare is having a very high quality system to prevent underage users from falling in to S/m. As long as you do not participate in to S/m activities here, you are very welcome to hang with us. getDare is having many other interesting sections where all can participate and have fun. And don’t hesitate to ask any help or questions when you are in trouble or when you need an advice.

I’m an adult (24 years old, so yeah, I’m an adult I guess) but personally, Lounge is the section I like most. Believe me, it’s cool than S/m sections. I don’t know, just a personal thought anyway.

If you are an underage User, what should you do if someone here tries to involve you with S/m activity?

I really hope that you will never encounter with such a disgusting situation. Even if someone asks you anything about S/m, it may because s/he doesn’t know that you are underage. So just tell them that you are underage and if the person has a brain, s/he must understand what it means.

If someone is annoying you and repeatedly asking about involving in S/m, please IMMEDIATELY CONTACT A MODERATOR. I’m sure moderators will then take an appropriate action. Do not waste any second or do not hesitate to contact a moderator when you are in a trouble. getDare staff is always dedicated and helpful to children when it comes to illegal situations.

What should you do when you see there is an underage S/m activity going on?
If it’s a thread, use the report button and report the thread. It’s the fastest way to stop the activity.

If it’s in the chat, there is a link at the bottom of the page to report the incident. Use that link and report the incident.

If the situation is none of the above, please do contact a moderator.
As a getDarian, what is your responsibility on underage S/m problem?

Sometimes there are underage boys/girls are asking to be slaves. Please do not take them as your slave/master. Sad truth is half of the number of responses I got for my Master advert is from underage females. As everyone is rejecting them, they are in need of a slave/master. Explain them why you are not taking them as your slave/master. Do not ever contribute to the growing tragic underage S/m problem.

Message for Mods

Thank you very much for having such a good system to prevent falling underage users in to S/m. Please continue protecting them. Appreciate the good work which has done!

I cannot think where I should post this thread, but I need it to see by all users (Including underage Users). So that’s why I posted it in lounge. Be my guest and please move it to the appropriate section if this is wrong section to post it.

Many underage Users will not listen to me because Horny is greater than Common sense (Quoted from Nellybell). But at least one will do. This thread is for that ‘One’.
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