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Old 12-15-2023, 10:43 AM   #109
getDare Devil
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hi all! my fatigue is getting better, but I've noticed that the reason I'm not bedwetting is less on whether I can hold it, but rather my body being used to letting go in certain positions.

i will be transitioning this thread into partial potty training. this means that I will be potty training for the daytime, but at 6PM EST every day I must be back in a diaper and continue training having accidents in the positions I sleep in.

this means that I will have to transition the drinking requirements to need 1/3 of it in the morning and early afternoon, and at least 2/3 of it in the evening. by default, I will need to require 2/3s of a liter at or after 5PM.


SELF CARE - I must roll for a self care task out of my self care task list and complete what is specified.

LIL TIME - I must do something new I need to get done while using my pacifier the whole time.

CUTIE - I need to take a cute picture of me in my diaper (but not necessarily share it - but it must be kept.) It does not include face. In the future, this could end up being used for other tasks.

STAY DRY - Obsolete as per potty training doing similar to this already.

DRINK - For each post with this each day before 4PM ESR, I must drink another 250 ml by the time it gets to time to sleep that night. Any times sent after, apply to the next day.

NINI - I must sleep with my paci in my mouth if this is used that day.

LITTLE - I have to get permission from a friend to change clothes or my diaper on the weekend.
Details: Friends can use this opportunity to make me change into something cute, embarrassing, whatever they find humor in. Each use of the LITTLE keyword applies to the next opportunity it presents, including if its currently a weekend. I may not ask the same friend more than once in a row. It must be suitable for the weather/temperature conditions.

OUTING - This is automatically assumed once per weekend, and is no longer an active keyword. Feel free to suggest a task that needs to be completed while on it, however, obviously within limits.
Task description:
TL;DR: I must drink .5L of water, go 15+ minutes away from home, spend an agreed amount of time by posters away from home, and drink another .5L before the time away from home is up. This must be used 5 times before occurring the next weekend, and the count resets once the weekend starts. If not specified, the time away from home is 30 minutes.

UH-OH - when I come home for the day, I am not allowed to use the toilet and just remove or not put on a diaper for 5 minutes after getting home. This stacks each day, and the only restriction is that I must carry over leftover time to the following day if it turns to 6PM, and put on a diaper.

BACKBACK - I must let myself have an accident while laying flat on my back once within the next week.

TUMTUM - I must let myself have an accident while laying flat on my stomach once within the next week.

BY&BY - I must let myself have an accident while laying on my side once within the next week.


before 6 PM EST, i will be following a procedure that is designed to train back control of my bladder, but will cause me to earn Tallies towards Troubles when I fail to make it through the time periods without accidents. as of right now, I'm at 3 tallies. anyone, even if they have never posted in the thread, can purchase Troubles using the Tallies.

- (costs 1) bedtime 15 minutes earlier (any day, up to right when I get home & get dinner, carries over until all early bedtime time is paid up)
- (costs 1) stuck in bed 15 minutes longer after waking up, no gaming until done (on weekends)
- (costs 1) step down one level of the potty training, no matter how much I have failed or succeeded.
- (costs 2) I must post one of the diaper pictures from CUTIE on an exposure website and share it with the person who requests it. friends can also request the link if they notice it was requested. links must allow for extensions and set to not be deletable by me. the initial time required matches as close as possible to the how many Tallies were available before this was used, in hours.
- (costs 5) twice as many tallies earned that day. applies for the 24 hours following use.
- (costs 10) step up one level of the potty training, no matter how much I have failed or succeeded.
PM Dares
sub leaning switch - enby -110lb(54kg) - 5'5"(165cm)
Talk on Discord! (lilfoxbutton)
In bedwetting training since 30 October 2023 - Diaper Status
6 hours left owed to HELPLESSness.
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