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Old 12-04-2023, 03:08 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 40

I think there are multiple answers to this, depending on why she was disobedient.

If she's just being bratty it doesn't really bother me, I'm not a heavy punishment kind of guy and some banter is all part of the game to me, and in those cases we basically both know things are gonna end where I want them to end anyway.

But if it's not just being bratty, but motivated by other factors, I look to myself first. Was what I asked unreasonable for some reason I didn't take into account? Did I get closer to a limit than I intended?

The Dom/Sub relationship is, to me, largely defined by mutual trust, and when that trust is put into question, I'm inclined to figure out why.

Either way, I do my best to never get actually mad. It's all play, and when it stops being that, getting mad will be the least helpful response.
Probably more vanilla than you, tbh
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