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Old 12-01-2023, 06:57 PM   #129
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Somewhere in the USA
Posts: 121

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
No, but one of my earliest memories is that in preschool I was using the urinals and for whatever reason the kid next to me thought it would be funny to turn and pee on me instead. My parents had to come and bring me a change of clothes and I blame it for giving me shy bladder issues for years afterward.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Not yet, and I hope not to anytime soon.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Not really "caught" but my dad didn't always care about putting on his clothes between showering and opening the door.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
No, thankfully

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Not in the act, but one time I took a bottle of hot sauce into the shower to put on my penis while masturbating in there (it's one of my many fetish things) and stupidly forgot to take it with me when I left. Was very embarrassing the next morning when my mom asked me about it and I tried to claim I used it as a shampoo (which I'm not sure she bought at all but she didn't press the issue further fortunately)

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
Again, not in the act, but once when snooping through their room as a teenager looking for my dad's dirty magazines I came across a sex tape they made. I shut it off and put it back pretty quick.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
No, or at least nobody has complained about it.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Fortunately no, I do have IBS issues that give me cramps and diarrhea out of nowhere a couple times a year but it hasn't happened on a date

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Only by my dad at home.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Not declined, but I did forget my wallet before going to the store once and had to go get it and come back.

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
I don't drink, so no.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
A couple times when I was younger, not anytime soon though

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
I'm male and periods are one things I certainly don't envy.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Shit, there's several options for what might be the most embarrassing. I suppose I'd go with the My Little Pony doll with a hole I put into a specific spot intentionally...

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Not to my knowledge. There are a few videos of me masturbating (without my face showing), but I put those up myself.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
No. I really hate scammers though.

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Kind of, in high school. I had a crush on this one girl that I sort of wanted to keep private but the other kids in my class kept badgering me and noticing I became very embarrassed when they suggested that I liked her. And then one time they did that to me in front of her.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
Not really. Not wrong enough to remember about it anyway.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
No, I'm a good law-abiding citizen

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Zipper down, no. Hole in my pants, yes, in the knees or ankle areas. I don't like having holes in my clothes, it bothers me a lot once I'm aware of it.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Not to where I've seen anything.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Nope. Most of my favorite teachers were pretty old and the few teachers I had that were at least traditionally attractive didn't do anything for me.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Oh my gosh, I could go on for hours about all my hentai and furry waifus and how I'm much more bisexual for furry characters than for humans. I'd marry Twilight Sparkle. I've willingly looked up so much Pokémon and My Little Pony porn.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
No, but I really don't eat out that much.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Not that I can remember.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Never really asked for one on a first date.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
A couple times, but it was the alarm being defective or the cashier forgetting to take the alarm tag off.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Sometimes, particularly on my nose, which is kind of annoying and painful when it happens.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
No. But when I was younger one of my weird fetish things was to stick my penis through the pants fly and zip it as tightly as I could against my cock before masturbating. Don't really do that much anymore but that's probably more a consequence of how I rarely wear pants with a zipper anymore.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Yeah, plenty of times. Common enough that it doesn't really even faze me when it does.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
Yeah, a couple times. If it's late at night and the rest of the family's asleep I'll just go for it but if others are awake I'll ask someone to bring me a roll.
41/M/Straight...ish (it's very complicated)

Likes: furry, plushie, sadomasochism, chemical play (icy hot, tiger balm, hot pepper), genital torture, cam pics/video (no face), forced orgasm
Dislikes: anal, feet, ruined orgasm
Limits: scat, puke, blood/gore, piss/cum drinking, permanent, public, family, showing my face
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