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Old 11-23-2023, 08:37 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by joshers90 View Post
What is one thing you've done for sexual pleasure you have never told anyone before?
Its hard to think of something that Ive never told anyone before... maybe that I've used the corner of a chair to grind out an orgasm before when younger.

Originally Posted by Juga View Post
What is your deepest darkest sexual fantasy? Not the first one that come to your mind, but the one you are ashamed to even have in your head.
I will start by saying that I tend not to really be ashamed of any of my darker fantasies as I understand that fantasy is a safe place to explore those sorts of things, and that it can be healthy to do so. So its more that they are humilating to admit.
So the one I can think of after a day or so is this: Being physically forced into becoming someones sexual slave. Starting off chained to the bed naked until I was mentally broken and more willing to be an obedient pet. Forced to learn how to deepthroat to earn the right to walk again. And that sort of thing.

Would I ever even want to roleplay this intense of a senario, no. As I know it would be more than I could properly handle even with proper aftercare in the way I imagine it. But its a nice occasional dark fantasy.

Originally Posted by Kuroko-kun View Post
A question...
Well here comes mine!

It's actually less person specific and more just sating my curiosity... Here's the scenario;

Imagine you're being in a session with a dom. Like actually envision the scene.
They're being very caring... Giving you pats, ruffling your hair and making sure you get plenty of praise after you fulfil every command trying your best to abide by their wishes.

In other words they're a very soft domme, that try to avoid punishing you and they just genuinely want to make you feel good!

Now that the session is nearing to an end the question is:

Would you rather have the pleasure you hands on and melt like a cyoot kitteh, or would you rather cum woth your dom? (Simultaneously)
Hmm I think with the headspace I would be in I would prefer to cum with the dom! Id be in a very submissive, soft headspace where I would want to please the dom very much.

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