Thread: Fiction: Adventure Abroad [MxM]
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Old 09-03-2011, 06:56 AM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425

After a lot of writing, re-writing and poring over my dictionary I can finally release the second chapter! I'm sorry to announce that there still won't be that much action in this chapter. I'm going very slowly about all the sexual stuff, as I want to keep this story kind of very 'real'. (And probably aswell because of my zero-self-confidence about being able to describe it sexily xD)

I want to say thanks to everybody who commented on here. It means a lot to me, I really appreciate it! <3

I especially want to thank James for saving your brains from reading grammtical errors and Carl for giving me some hints while writing.

This chapter is dedicated to that guy who stood up on behalf of all of us. :3

Chapter 2

The week went by and Chad was eagerly waiting for the weekend. School turned out to be okay. He didn't really understand anything in the lessons, but as he had Tim around him, he didn't mind.

In order to learn some German, he got private education with Mr. Krone instead of going to some of his regular lessons. Even though he was total beginner and German seemed like a pretty difficult language to him, he quickly started to understand some of the basic phrases.

Finally it was Friday, about noon, and the last lesson was about to end. Chad couldn't wait for bell to ring. He had been glancing over to Tim all the time. Occasionally Tim looked over to him for a few seconds. Every time when he did so and their eyes meet, Chad felt kind of caught and looked away quickly. Was Tim checking out his body or was he just persuading himself of that?

He noticed Tim writing something on his notepad and moving it over to the middle of their table.
"Looking forward to later on?"

Chad took a pen and started writing.
"Sure! Where are we gonna go?"

"We wanted to hang out on a lake close to the city, but since it's supposedly going to rain tonight, we'll go to a mate of mine, his name is Jan. His mum doesn't really care about what we do, so it should be fine. Do you have permission to stay for the night?"

"Yes, I have, luckily!"

Tim made a winking smiley "Cool! What about you and alcohol? Ever been drunk?"

"Well, I've drunken something a couple of times, but I never had the possibility to really get drunk. You’ve got some alc for tonight?"

Tim read that and grinned at Chad.
"Of course, we have everything the heart could wish for! It's going to be fun for sure."

Then the bell rang and everybody packed up their stuff. They rushed out of the room.

Weekend, finally!


The housing terrace was everywhere about three to four floors high. The streets were way smaller than he knew it from US and seemed to be just randomly built, not just street next to street like at his home. Also there were tons of traffic signs. He'd never really looked around on his way to school and back, and he hadn't really done anything around his neighbourhood yet, because he was spending most of his time online, writing to friends from his old school.

But now, as he was walking together with Tim home, he noticed this city to be quite a pretty one. It wasn’t too quiet but then again it wasn't too busy either. There were trees and bushes around everywhere. As he lived in a very big city before, and seldom left it, that was nothing ordinary for him.

"I'll just drop my bag, then we'll buy some stuff and go over to a mate who's driving us. You wanna wait here or come up with me?" After 10 Minutes walking they had finally arrived at Tim's home.

"Well, I'll just come up with you, if you don't mind."
Tim unlocked the front door and they went upstairs. He lived in the highest, the 4th floor. His parents said a friendly “hi”, but, probably due to their lack of English skills, they didn't really say anything else. Tim's room was quite a mess. It was quite small, due to the flat not being that big, but he had a king-size bed however.

After leaving the flat, they went to a close supermarket.

"Wow, that's quite a range, for such a small supermarket." Was pretty much all Chad could say, when they reached the section for beer, wine and liquor. "But how are you gonna buy that? How old are you actually?"

"Oh, I'm 16, but I only need wine. We’ve got pretty much everything we need over at my mate's. But I just don't like beer. My friends think I'm weird." Tim grinned and, after noticing Chad's slightly confused look. "Well, you can buy wine and beer with 16 over here. And you supposedly know, Germans drink a lot of beer..."

Finally, after all that running around, they had bought Tim's wine, and Tim also got two different types of beer for Chad, a Bavarian and a tart North German one, and they had met Tobias, obviously a mate of Tim’s, who were driving them to the party. Toby didn't really talk, probably due to his noticeable lack of English. He was a blonde, good looking guy, even through his shirt Chad could make out that he had just the right amount of muscles everywhere, enough to look well-toned, but not unnaturally.

Toby dropped them somewhere at the edge of the town and drove on, to find a parking lot.

When they were walking towards the house, Chad noticed a sweet, brown-haired, sporty guy waving at them. Tim waved back. "Hey Robin, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks! You gonna party at Jan's tonight?"

"Sure, you look like you are about to leave, aren't you gonna join us?"

"Nah sorry, next time maybe. I'm on my way to my basketball training and I'm pretty busy this weekend anyway."

"Well, have fun, see you." Tim reached the door and ringed.

Robin mounted his bicycle. "Viel Spaß!" He winked at Tim. "And Chad, take care, don't drink too much." He grinned at Chad, waved again and drove off.

For some reason, Chad had the feeling that Robin knew more than him...

Last edited by Saphir; 09-03-2011 at 07:28 AM.
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