Thread: Fiction: Adventure Abroad [MxM]
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Old 08-28-2011, 03:36 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425
Default Adventure Abroad [MxM]

Reading all this awesome stories on here, I couldn't resist giving it a try aswell.
The story itself, the plot, is fiction, but I'll try to keep it as real as possible. The personalities of my characters are loosely based on people I know. So the way the characters act is based on real people however their sexual orientation (and possibly some other details) isn't always fact

The story will be mainly, if not only be [MxM], so if you don't like that, don't complain about it.

Oh and... yea, I know it's a long, boring introduction, but I believe you can do it! :P
The next chapter will be more interesting!


Adventure Abroad - Chapter 1

As he walked down the hall, the sound of the people talking was harsh. Not as harsh as he had imagined it to be, but still the voices around him sounded strange and unfamiliar, just as he felt here. Noises echoed through the hall.

The flight had been long and he had just woken up and felt absolutely exhausted. He looked around and saw young men and women hugging, happy to see each other again. Still standing there and realizing his new situation, he slowly picked up his suitcase.

“Chad, come on, we ain't gonna wait forever.” Would his brother ever stop annoying him? He rolled his eyes and went after his family towards the airport's entrance.

A few days later
“Good luck.” They've never gotten along with each other, but now Chad and his brother stood next to each other and wished each other the best. Both of them were kind of scared of the things to come. “That is all we got, let's make the best out of it.” With these words, Chad walked towards the school building, his brother close behind him.

Chad wasn't happy at all. His parents seemed to just not care about him, nor about his brother. They decided to move over here for his dad's job. He didn't speak any German at all, had to deal with a new home, new people around him and whatnot.

Even if he made some friends over here, he would have to give them up after the year, as his parent's weren't going to stay here for too long. Additionally, he would lose another year of his life in school, because he had no chance to keep the pace with his classmates back home.

Actually, there was no point in going to school here, because he didn't understand anything anyways. But his dad said he had to and there was no international school nearby, so he should just try to learn some German at least.

Considering this, he became very unmotivated. It was just not fair.

They reached the teacher's room and knocked on the door. An old man opened the door. “You are probably Chad and Craig.” He smiled at them. “Welcome to our school. I'm Mr. Krone.”

They followed Mr. Krone through the hallway while he explained to them that each of them were going to be given a fellow student. They’d join their respective student through his courses instead of selecting their own courses because they didn’t understand any German yet. This was so that they had someone who helped them if they had any problems. But of course they could always come to him, as well, if there was anything wrong.

Finally they stopped at some door and Mr Krone entered the room with Craig. After introducing Craig and some other stuff, he came out again and continued to Chad’s class. Chad wondered whether Mr. Krone’s English, which was totally fluent, was average for Germans. “Nah, I’m just the teacher for Physical Education and English, that’s why. Most people you will meet here will be able to communicate, but don’t expect too much.”

As they finally arrived at Chad’s classroom, he felt kind of shaky.
“Are you ready?”
“Yep.” Chad actually didn’t feel ready.

They entered the room. The first thing Chad noticed, was the pretty small amount of students in the room. Only 16 students were there, about half of the amount some of his courses had at home. The students were about the same age as he was. Looking at the board, Chad could see that he was in Math.

“This is Chad, he’s from North Carolina and will join our school for about a year. He doesn’t speak any German, and just moved here, so be nice to him.”

The teacher pointed at some guy in the last row and said: “That’s Tim. You’ll join his courses and he’ll help you if you got any questions.”
Tim stood up and smiled at him. “Hey Chad, how are you doing?”

Chad expected a lot when he was flying to Germany. That it would be boring, that he wouldn’t understand a word. That he would spend a year in a school with people he didn’t know and who he’d anyways leave after that year. The only good thing he had actually heard about Germany was that you had way more freedom as a teenager there. He didn’t even know whether that was true or not.

But right before him was the hottest guy he’d seen in a long time. Tim’s body was athletic. His smooth brown hair was the perfect length, not too long, but not too short. He wore shorts and a shirt of some band he did not know. His skin was lightly tanned and his face was smooth.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Chad walked over to him and sat down. The teacher continued the lesson. Chad didn’t understand a word, but that didn’t bother him, since he was busy checking out Tim.

They didn’t talk until the lesson was over. A loud bell startled him while he was staring at Tim writing. The teacher finished the lesson and they went down to the school yard.

“Chad, Why are you over here in Germany?”
“Well, my dad had to move here for his work, I won’t be staying long though.”
“Ah okay, and you like it so far?”
“Well, it’s getting better, I wasn’t very thrilled in the beginning.”

The conversation went on and they hung out in the schoolyard. Chad saw his little brother playing ping-pong with some other students and noticed that there were some quite young students in the schoolyard. The youngest were probably about ten or eleven. He wondered whether he’d actually learn enough German to understand people around him. A question cut his thoughts off.

“What are you doing this weekend, any plans yet?”
Chad’s heart made a little jump. “Well, I have nothing to do, what about you?”
“I’m gonna party a bit with some friends, you could join... if you want?”
“Of course, I would love to. Better than hanging around home. Could we meet somewhere? I mean, I don’t know this city at all.”
“Yeah, you could just join me after school on Friday.”

For some reason, Chad knew this weekend was going to be fun.


I appreciate every single feedback, comment, critique, etc.

See you

Chad - Without you I would've never written this. You got me started. :P Also, without your corrections and suggestions, I wouldn't dare putting it on here, that wouldn't be nice to read. ^^ (Oh and besides, without you we got no protagonist )

James - thank you for your suggestions with the title, you made it possible to put the first chapter online tonight. :P

Dylan (&Connor) without your stories I wouldn't be back on here probably. :P
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