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Old 10-11-2023, 01:09 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by jehoftm View Post
I did a dare inspired by this today, but much less risky as it was solo, not involving a friend. I had to go to a store, get a few things and go to the changing room - with a curtain type changing room not a solid or lockable door. Then it was the same from here, and I had to repeat the dare in 3 shops total, each one getting a little riskier, and had to take some pictures in each one.

The first shop I chose was relatively low-risk, but more exciting - there was a shop worker in the changing rooms assigning people to them, so there wasn't any realistic chance of someone opening the curtain. I had already spent about 3 hours working in a cafe with a Lovense Lush in my pussy either off or on very low teasing patterns, so I was a wet mess by the time I stripped off and took it out. I was so nervous, I've never done anything this public before (only behind locked stall doors etc). Took a few photos in the mirror, and then sat down. Holding my legs open, stretching my cunt lips as wide as possible to make sure my entire empty, needy cunt is on show... I actually thought I'd have to stop so as not to cum, but I held on. My clit was literally throbbing the entire time I sat there with my eyes closed, focussing on every tiny sound and hearing the assistant less than 3 meters away talking to people and directing them. The curtain next to me opened and I'm ashamed to admit I opened my eyes early, about 20 seconds in. I was so scared that it had been my curtain, heart absolutely pounding... and quite literally dripping wet. I licked it up and got dressed, put the Lush back in and went to the second shop.

This one was a little riskier just because of the layout of the shop, but it was also super empty, so to make sure I kept up with the whole increasing risk thing I picked a stall where the mirror was next to the curtain, and left the curtain open a teeny tiny bit. Probably not really enough to do anything, but if someone stood at just the right angle and looked very carefully, they'd be able to see me in the mirror. Same procedure - stripped my bottom half, took a couple of photos in the mirror, and sat and waited. I felt like I could feel eyes on me, even though I hadn't heard anyone so I knew I couldn't really, but god it was so scary and so hot. Presenting my pussy like that, as though saying "you're welcome to it" felt so good. I also realised as I was getting dressed that I'd put the Lush down on my jeans, leaving a little pool of slime - nowhere suspicious, but still.

The 3rd shop was getting towards a little bit of a real risk - they play loud music so it's quite hard to hear what's going on. I also actually couldn't get the curtain to close all the way (I'm short, it was at the ceiling). This was bigger too, so I sat on the floor in front of the mirror to get some pictures without my face, and because the curtain was about a cm from the ground so there was a chance someone would see a naked butt on the floor. Holding my cunt open in this one was so exciting, because I could barely hear anything and I knew the curtain wasn't 100% closed. The air on my cunt made it feel so empty, and I was thinking about what would happen if someone walked in. Realistically, it would be brief and mortifying for everyone involved, but hey a cumdump can dream. It would've been so easy for someone to sneak in without me hearing, so the first thing I'd feel would be a stranger's hand on my pussy - or even better, their cock pushing in.... god, I'm squirming just remembering imaging it! It was the slowest 30 seconds of my life. I had also left a comically large wet patch on the wooden bench, which I cleaned up once I'd got dressed again (and put the Lush back in my cunt of course).

I definitely want to do this again, and do more of this kind of thing (I mean, with realistically tiny risks though).
Just WOW.... thank you very much for your detailed description, I just wish I had noticed your reply here earlier. You did such a great job, not just playing with the risk of being seen inside the changing room, but also taking photos for yourself and presenting your most intimate spots by keeping your pussy lips spread this wide open. What I enjoyed the most when reading your report here, was the fact, that you tried to increase the risk with each repetition of this dare. I can vividly imagine how much arousing this must have felt like and feel very grateful that this scenario seemed to arouse you so much, that you obviously wanted to push the risk level further and further each time.

Please feel free to also share some more of your personal thoughts on this experience you made. Which details of the dare did excite you the most in retrospective, which parts would you like to do differently if there was a second attempt? And any feedback for me?


37yo | female | dominant | Germany

It arouses me when the people I'm playing with online feel shocked or humiliated by their own fantasies or actions. Therefore I see myself not as a typical mistress, but rather as some kind of advisor who will assist and push you when investigating your unexplored sexual desires.

My favorite hidden public dares for female submissives:
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