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Old 08-31-2023, 08:40 PM   #37
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 273

Originally Posted by Ice Dancer View Post
I enjoyed doing the bdsm questionair. It was an experience that really made me think about what I wanted.
Yeah I realized a bit after posting that this would be the obvious one. A few more questions, and we’ll do that question over to hopefully make you think about it a bit more:
  1. Which question that you've been asked so far on this thread have you enjoyed answering second-most and why?
  2. Are you at all attracted to women?
  3. Looking at your bdsm test, I see you’ve got a pretty low masochist score, but still far from a zero. Were you just answering most pain-related questions fairly low or were there specific ones you answered highly and the others extremely low? Are there particular kinds of masochism that do interest you?
  4. You’ve also got a pretty high degradee score. Again, were you just answering most questions pretty high? Were there some that stood out either higher or lower? What kinds of degradation do you either know or imagine would be a huge turn-on?
  5. Are you more of an extrovert or an introvert?
28M, straight

Interested in: giving dares, designing complicated dares, receiving reports
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