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Old 02-24-2008, 03:37 AM   #5
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Default Later that night...

Thanks to all who commented, I love feedback. ^.^ Here is the second installment, and thanks for taking the time to read it.
Jason waited until the girl laying next to him was sleeping before climbing carefully out of bed. She was attractive, no doubt, and obviously had class. It was a shame he would have to break her spirit. He pulled his coat back on and stepped outside the trailer for a smoke. The other two men looked at him through the window, their eyebrows raised. It was only then Jason remembered that he was allowed to smoke inside.

"Look," He said quietly, coming back through the door. "She's not like them. I can almost guarantee you that she's tight, clean, and at least a little naive." Giving the other two a conspiratory grin, he gestured with his hands. "Tomorrow we're taking her down to the usual spot--you know, in Gulfport, to the first club. Tomorrow she drops her supposed airs and becomes Dallas, from God only knows where, the fresh meat for the local men."

Even as he spoke, his mind filled with possibilities. Dallas MacLeland was going to take the local strip club scene by storm--if she was a bad girl tomorrow. And he'd make sure to set up impossible tasks. Talking to her tonight, he had learned some of her childish fears and phobias. Her thing about spiders, for instance. There was a woodshed just dying to be cleaned, and who else to clean it but Dallas? And she wanted him. As her Master, he needed no reason to do anything. Nor did he have to tell her what he expected of her. So when she woke up and tried coming on to him, well...Master is off limits. She would have to be punished.

Maybe that was a bit harsh, though. After all, she had never, to his knowledge,been trained to do this sort of thing before. He suddenly glanced up to realize the front of Dallas's size 4 panties were staring him in the face. He looked up at her and realized for the first time just how well endowed she was. Blame it on the lighting. "Are you ok?" He asked, standing up so that once again he stood a good few inches above her. She reached out and plucked at his sleeve, looking at the floor.

"I thought you were going to stay with me." She pouted, moving just a smidge closer to him. And suddenly he decided to give her a taste of what being with him was like. Pulling her to him, he looked down into her tired face.

"I'd hate to take advantage of a sweet but intoxicated person such as yourself." He murmured, laying the trap for her.

"But I'm not drunk." She protested, holding out her hands in proof. "Ten fingers, I see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...ten." She counted, wiggling each finger as she counted it off. " I can count to ten, I'm sober." She argued, but it came out sounding "Ikin counta tin, I'ms obur."

He laughed and picked her up again, carrying her this time to the back of the trailer and a queen-sized water bed. She looked comical, laying there in the middle of the bed, but oddly raw, too, like earth that is overly fertile and has not yet been used for crops. Oh, but he expected a rich harvest. She turned her emerald eyes on him and reached her arms out. "I'm tired."

You won't be, after I get to you. Thought Jason, but he just smiled. Then proceeded to strip himself of his clothing and crawl into bed with her. As he caressed her, lulling her into security with sweet nothings spoken aloud and seemingly sincerely, he realized just what a prize she was. Not necessarily something he wanted to share. Her skin was like velvet milk, and it fairly glowed in the dim light. Her breasts were ample, and obviously natural, whiter still than the rest of her. Then his attention was drawn to her nipple area. Her areolas might be somewhat large, but her nipples were a light rosy pink, and absurdly tiny for the breasts that they adorned.

And, as he penetrated her, he said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "You're the tightest girl in the area, you know that?" Nevermind the startled look on her face. She just bit her lower lip and nodded. For an hour or so, he ravaged her as though his body couldn't get enough of her, and she responded in kind. Suddenly, though, she murmured a complaint about being sore and he stopped, as it was obvious both were too drunk to finish.

She collapsed next to him and again he waited until she fell asleep, then he took her to the living room and chained her to the leg of a couch, putting a blanket over her naked body on the dirty carpet of the trailer. She stirred momentarily, murmured sleepily about being stoned, then all was quiet again. The two other men had already gone to sleep. Before retiring himself, Jason left a brief note by Ravena's bed area. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.
I'm currently owned.
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