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Old 08-07-2023, 10:04 AM   #3
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Hey glad to see some nice comments and Dm's about the new story as it's very different to my other stuff.
Drinks responsibly or not - Risks

Chapter 2

Bye see you tomorrow said two of the servers as they went out the side door and went home. Chris was on the close with Scarlet again. Chris took out a glass and poured himself a cider. Scarlet watched him and said “I guess being barman comes with its perks” Chris laughed and said “Well we finished an hour early so if you want a drink be my guest”.
“What is our most popular cocktail?” asked Scarlett.
“Probably has to be an espresso martini” replied Chris. This was a silence “let me guess you want one” said Chris in a sarcastic tone.
“Oh wow that so kind of you” said Scarlett in an overly high tone of voice. Chris rolled his eyes and picked up on half of his Boston shaker and put it under the coffee machine and pressed a button for a double espresso. He then took the other half and poured in some vanilla vodka and coffee liquor while doing some flourishes with the bottles to look fancy. Chris then took the double espresso poured it into the other shaker put some ice in and closed the shaker. “Okay now give me your hands” said Chris Scarlet put out her hands “okay now hold it like this and then shake as hard as possible or else you won’t get the fancy foam layer on top”. Scarlett started shaking the shaker really hard and her beautiful fiery red hair shook everywhere. Chris laughed and then grabbed a martini glass. Scarlet handed him the shaker back “there you go the best-shaken martini in the world” she said.
“Oh really” said Chris as he smacked the side of the shaker to loosen it and then fine-strained it into a martini glass. He slid the glass over to Scarlet and then handed her 3 coffee beans. “Now you just need to garnish it with these,” Chris said. Scarlet took the coffee beans and delicately placed them on her drink. “TA DAAAA” cheered Scarlet.
“Wow beautiful that's Instagram worthy” said Chris. Scarlet pulled out her phone and took a quick photo.

Chris then walked around to the other side of the bar and sat down on the sofa area. Scarlet sat next to him on the sofa and had a small sip of her drink. “So what do you think?” asked Chris. “Ermm it’s okay although I'm not really a fan of coffee” replied Scarlet.
“THEN WHY DID YOU ASK FOR AN ESPRESSO MARTINI” shouted Chris holding in his laughter. “I thought the alcohol might make it taste nicer” replied Scarlet in hysterics “I mean it actually does I prefer this over a regular coffee”.
”Okay - Okay that’s fair” said Chris while taking another sip of his Cider.
“Anyway I just like watching you make the cocktails” said Scarlet.
“Well, maybe next time you should make me a cocktail” said Chirs giving her a small shoulder nudge. “Well aslong as you teach me that can be arranged” replied Scarlet with a cheeky wink. After a little more talking Scarlet finished her drink. “Anyway im not on a finish with you for a few days now so you will have to wait for that cocktail” she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and then picked up her stuff and left. The entire time she left Chris’s eyes were glued to her. What had just happened?

If you would like to make the cocktail:
2 ounces vodka
1/2 ounce coffee liqueur (usually Kahlúa)
1 ounce espresso, freshly brewed (or cold brew concentrate)
1/2 ounce simple syrup
Garnish: coffee beans

Add vodka, coffee liqueur, espresso and simple syrup to a shaker filled with ice and shake until well-chilled.

Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Garnish with 3 coffee beans.

likes: light public, hidden public, light bondage, nudity and masturbation, petplay, light nipple pain, orgasm control, anal, pictures, humiliation
dislikes: wedgies, spanking
Limits: heavy public, messy, anything toilet based and extreme pain

anything else ask me

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