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Old 07-24-2023, 03:38 AM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2019
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Originally Posted by lurker54321 View Post
wow thats a big list of toys. The lock box and jar of keys is quite impressive. do they resemble both handcuff and ankle cuff keys enough to easily use them for chances on either?
For the hand and ankle cuffs I can use padlocks to keep them locked, the padlock keys are the same as the fake keys as they are from other padlocks.

Originally Posted by lurker54321 View Post
Is actually going inside naked/kinky off limits by chance? assuming not.
If you mean setting me up in armbinders, gemini, dolce, hush, collar, ringgag. Then playing with me to horn me up and then telling me to go to the supermarket. Then Yes. A library for example would be do-able as it would be less crowded.

The point is that as long as I'm not getting caught on purpose and that there is a chance I won't be caught I'm okay with it!

Originally Posted by lurker54321 View Post
Some prep b4 starting. pick your handcuff keys and 4 wrong keys, mix em up and have 1 hidden somewhere very public in the park, another hidden in a mens bathroom if thats within limits otherwise just hide it in another public place light a light post, one hidden about half the walk back and the remaining keys at home.

Get dropped off at the nearby park at night naked with your slut collar on and hands cuffed behind your back. Add a vibe inside your pussy on max. You must go check both the keys hidden in the park before heading home, and check the key along the way. If you get the real key you can uncuff yourself but without clothes to put on it will still be a fun walk home. If you need to cum during this dare it must be done in a highly visable spot or while a stranger who caught you is atleast watching you (so hidden is fine if caught atm)
I did this last night with the help from someone controlling the toys. As it was late after midnight on a workday nothing eventful happened. I was also lucky as the first key I checked, which was the one in the middle of the track and field area was the key I required.

Originally Posted by lurker54321 View Post
If thats the kinda dare that interests you I can think of more.

Originally Posted by StealthyKitten View Post
Giving you another more intesne dare to do this time.

At night go to the park near your place with your lush and hush again, take off your clothes and place then on different areas of the park for each item (as decent distance appart). Set up and post a refreashing link for the toys that lasts about 10 minutes. Blindfold and restrain yourself eith cuffs and padlocks (and of possible a spreader bar too) so its difficult but still possible to walk (tossing the key plus a few copies in a random direction).

Now you can go sesrching for your clothes blindfolded and teased. But you can only search when there are vibrations! No vibrations you must freeze and kneel where you are. If about (your best estimate) 5 minutes have past without any vibrations you can remove the blindfold, only to use your phone to reset/ beg for the link to be used/ for vibrations.

If you find a key then if its the right on you can unlock yourself.
A perfect dare to start the night! (for tonight!)

My Toys - PM Dares


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