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Old 07-21-2023, 05:53 AM   #83
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2023
Posts: 8

For SissyCecelia:

#1 - Warm-Up Round
2 - 25 slaps to each of your balls

#2 - Are We Tying Those Balls?
Heads - Yes

#3 - A Little Harder Now! (Hard Round Part I)
To be done Firmly, with Intent. Be a man about it and take your medicine.
3 - Fetch a hardback book, then flip it open to the middle. Insert balls and slam it closed 20 times.

#4 - What About Those Balls - Are They Tied Now?
Tails - Nope

#5 - Hard Round, Part II
Firm, done with Intent (again)
6 - Do the Entire Section - Yes, all of them. You poor bastard.
200 with a wooden spoon to your balls
With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
100 Very firm Slaps with each hand, so that's 200 in total.
100 spanks with the flat side of a hairbrush to your balls.
To just the right ball, 150 whacks with a ruler.

#6 - Dice Roll of Doom
Where do we go from here?
3 - Proceed to #7, after hitting your balls with a hairbrush, a ruler and a wooden spoon 33 times each.

#7 Cooldown?
Tails - No cooldown for you.

#8 - Hard Round, Part III
1 - Do #1 from Round #3 and Round #5
200 with a wooden spoon to your balls
50 Very firm Slaps with each hand, so that's 100 in total.

#9 Now what about those tied balls?
Tails - Nope

#10 Medium Round Part I
6 - Do the Entire Section - Yes, all of them. Aww, you poor boy.
100 with a wooden spoon to both balls
Support your balls with one hand. Firmly tap the left ball with a finger 50 times.
Give your balls a good firm squeeze. Count SLOWLY to 100, then release your balls.
75 whacks with the back of a hairbrush.
150 whacks with the back of a hairbrush, to the right ball only.

#11 - Dice Roll of Doom Part II
Tails - Proceed to #12

#12 - If Those Balls Are Tied, Untie Them Now

#13 Over Now, or Not Yet?
3 - Good job! As a reward, ice your balls for the next half hour.
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