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Old 07-11-2023, 05:27 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2023
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Originally Posted by ReallyMadHermit View Post
First off, great attitude! You sound like a good, well-behaved sub.

Have you integrated kink into your gaming much? Can you share some stories about it?

It's been a couple years, what are some of the things that make you feel closest given the distance?

Is there anything else you've been trained to do that you wouldn't have done before, and if so, can you talk about it? Is there anything you're looking forward to being trained to do?
Thank you! I try my best. It helps that I really enjoy it :3

Oh yes we certainly have! XD we used to play overwatch together before the update, and I was his heal slut. If I let him die I would be punished in various ways. I miss that and wish we still played, but I recognize that blizzard sucks. We also play D&D, just him and I and a DM. He will tie certain things to die rolls, the more 1s I roll the more I spank myself after the session, more 20s more rewards, etc. One session he made a table with lots of stuff, I had to put pegs on myself and take them off mid session, put in plugs and things. Hopefully our DM never finds this owo

We spend a lot of our time doing things outside of kink. We have a weekly book club where I read a chapter of a book he picks and we talk about it. Currently we are going through book of the New Sun, one of his favorite series, and he has read it a bunch of times and is intimately familiar with all it's nuance. So many times we have been in very long in depth discussions where it seems like we disagree about the point we're talking about, but it turns out we actually mostly agree and just were saying it in different ways xD. We have spent hours in conversations like this and they are all so much fun. And then he ties me up or spanks me or makes me piss on my hand afterwards hehe. We also play games together, before it was overwatch, but now it's D&D, and recently he got me the Mass Effect games and I'm streaming them for him over discord while I play. It's a series I have been interested in but never played. It remains to be seen if we will work anything kinky into that game xD.

Oh, so many things! With my partner before him, I was trained by them in very specific ways. A lot of my Dom's time so far has been spent breaking those things I've been familiar with. For example, I used to (I think dislike isn't quite the word but I can't really think of a better alternative) dislike edging. With my ex I wasn't allowed to touch myself at all, basically ever. And so he has put in a lot of work to get me used to that and edging especially. Also we have been looking into some hypnosis like stuff, I see a certain word and I react immediately because of repeated constant training. It isn't really for everyone and was kind of scary to start with but for me it really does work. For example, there is a word that when he says it, I am to piss myself. In my head as it happens, I know I could stop myself, but I wouldn't ever do that. The moment I see it I just let it all go. Brain off. That isn't a position I expected to be in. There's even something that he never expected to be doing but we have really been doing a lot lately! I am very turned on by hands, I'm not a very visual person as far as sexual arousal is concerned, I'm more interested in ideas and scenarios and the porn that I look at isn't actually about the physical media, it's about placing myself into it. Anyways, one thing that does arouse me from just the image without any context is hands xD idk why or how but yeah, I guess it's similar to people who are really into feet, but for me it's hands. Anyways, my Dom (and me by proxy) have a Clothed Dom naked sub kink. When I am at home I am naked. Always. I'm naked right now writing this x.x. and it was always the case that I would be the exposed one for him while he remains clothed and comfortable over me. However recently he has started using pictures to control my behavior, teasing me with pictures of his hands... Holding belts... Djfjjdfkjfmf long story short, something we but especially him never expected to happen.
As for something I look forward to... I'm not sure, I think it is hard to say because, well, as an example, I never looked forward to being a piss slut. More to the point, at the start it was a hard limit. But as I grew more comfortable with him as a person and as I came to trust him, I was open to trying and now that I'm mostly there I am enjoying it. He has lots of things in mind and always hints at stuff and I can never predict him. So I'm sure whatever comes up I'll be surprised and nervous and probably not want to do it at first.

Last edited by ToiletTasteTester; 07-11-2023 at 05:35 PM.
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