Thread: Fiction: Friends Come Together
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Old 08-09-2011, 11:03 PM   #8
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Default Chapter 2

Is this a bit better to read? Hope you all like the next part!

Chapter 2
Walking back to my car, barefoot.
Thinking “Wow, to forget your shoes? Idiot.” I hadn't worn shoes in forever. Since school, I hadn't been wearing them. When you live in a beach town, you don't really have too.

I drove back, slowly back home. Where Greg and my family are. No Alex. I really wish that I had been a bit more smooth. I'd never been not awkward. Just fumbling through almost every social interaction. I finally arrived home.

When I got inside, my mom said “Why don't you ever wear shoes Andrew?”
“I just don't mom, where's Greg and Cassie?” I asked.
“Cassie is in her room with her friend. Greg is in your room, But whats wrong?”
“Nothing, I just was really late for the book thing. I missed all the good parts” I lied. See, my mom didn't know about me, and Greg being slightly flamboyantly homosexual. I could never tell her my current 'mini-boy-crisis'. Just as I said that, Greg dashed into the room, with a grin on his face.
“How did it go with,” Short glance at my mom “...the book club.” he asked. “No, it was, just, I screwed up.” I said, feeling like my world had fallen apart. Which it hadn't, just teenager drama.
“Oh, I get it,” My mom said, “girl trouble.” Waayyyy off mom.
“Ok, lets go to your room.” Greg said. We walked to my room. When we got to my room, he took my shoulders, and pushed me down onto the bed.
“What happened Andrew.” he asked.
“I just made a fool of myself in front of him, and then that bitch Alice got in the way,” I said.
“Well, you summed it up perfectly. She's a bitch. And a short bitch. All that bitch is concentrated into a small space.” Greg said.
I laughed “Thanks man, you can always make me laugh,” I said “but what am I going to do? Alice has her wrapped around her Anti-Gay fingers. Alex already came out, and I thought I had a chance. But then Alice got his hands tied up in that whole anti-gay stuff. But he said its ok to be gay, so there is hope! I just have to get to him before Alice totally stomps that out of him.” “Andrew, you can't just sit here and be sad about it. You gotta do something. If you want a boyfriend, go out and get one,” Greg said in a slightly angry voice “You just sit here and bitch about not having a boyfriend, go out and get him if you want him!”
“That's it!” I said, all of a sudden feeling amazing because I made one of the best plans in history.
“His father is going to that business trip, right?” I said
“Yeah,” he said, not getting what I was saying.
“He mentioned it in school.”
“So he would be free, without anybody to stay with,” I said.
“Ya,” Greg said, still not getting it.
“So, you should invite him to your house for a sleepover! He already knows I like him, so he wont go if I invite him. But if I just show up, he can't do anything. And then we'll play Truth or Dare, the famous gay for the night game.” I said excitedly.
“Dude, really? You think that would work? That sounds like one of those stories on getDare. You are know, they are awkward, they go to a sleepover, they play Truth or Dare, they end up having sex. They wake up in each other's arms, and they go on into the sunset with their underaged, un-protected, spontaneous sex lives and romance.” Greg said, always skeptical. “No, but he already came out, and Alice just convinced him he's not. The gay person is still inside. So it'll be fine.” I said.
“Ok, fine, but how do we do this? How do we know he'll come over to my house? Doesn't he have to watch the house if his dad is gone Andrew?” Greg said.
“I already got all this worked out. If we need to do anything to get him to your house, we'll do it.” I said. I didn't, I'll just improvise, like always.
“It sounds like a Disney Channel show, a meddling main character, and it back fires,” Greg said, “And I'm that friend that always get's in trouble too because I helped”
“You'll help!” I exclaimed, so excited! Then I grabbed him in a hug “Ok, and you know in the end it all works out.” I said
“Ya, I know.” Greg said.

Ok, well. The ball is starting to roll

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Dylan and Connor, you talk to me, and I will die. But not before saying "HIIII!!!!"

my story
Friends Come Together
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