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Old 06-13-2023, 04:33 AM   #5
zer0123's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 96
Default Bump/Small Update

Hey there everyone, giving this a bump up and provide a small update. I beg anyone who reads this ad and is interested to apply, I beg that you PLEASE NOT NEGOTIATE WITH ME IN THE BEGINNING!!! What I have in this ad is what I want, and will not settle for less. Now, if we happen to make it past a certain amount of time, then we could talk about changing things up a bit. Also, please read everything in the ad before messaging me. I will know if you didn't by what questions you ask me, and that will result in an immediate block.

Hope you got all of that, and with that said, have a great day and night.

Much love,

Zero, A.K.A, Master Z
Please check out the recent ad I posted up on 06/25/22 to see my Likes, Dislikes, and few limits. Thank you!!!

Link to the ad:
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