Thread: Fiction: Lexi's Fate
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Old 05-08-2023, 03:21 PM   #5
Onherknees's Avatar
Join Date: May 2023
Location: England
Posts: 61

Chapter 5

Lexi didn’t sleep well so when her alarm sounded at 7am it felt way too early. Lexi finds great difficulty in getting her mind off the night before as she showers and dresses for the day ahead. Images of the guys lustful staring as well as the hate in Tasha's eyes, the gleeful amusement of Jess and the look of pure vindictive sadism in the eyes of Hayley. Hayley is the one that Lexi fears the most. She knows the guys just wanted to have their pervy way with her. Jess was having fun and found the whole thing hilarious and Tasha was clearly out for revenge but Lexi is confident that Tasha would only push it so far. Hayley on the other hand is a different matter. Lexi could see nothing good in Hayley, no redeemable qualities that might stop her from actually sending the pictures and ruining her life. Hayley had been a bully all her life, a truly nasty individual who was only ever happy when she was making someone else miserable.

Lexi pulls up her jeans and fastens the button when she hears the door bell. Her mum answers the door and Lexi hears footsteps coming up the stairs towards her room. Without knocking the down swings open and Jess walks in and dumps a small package on Lexi's bed.

"Your clothes for today," Jess explains.

"I'm already dressed and ready for school," protests Lexi.

"Then I suggest you get changed and be quick about it or you'll be late."

Jess recognises a slight sense of defiance in Lexi's expression so continues, "Just in case you're thinking about saying no to me, be aware that Hayley sent me over with these and she really really wants any excuse to send your pics and videos to everybody."

Reluctantly Lexi grabs the package and steps into her en-suite much to Jess' amusement, it's not like there's anything she hasn't seen before after last night's escapades.

Lexi is confused for a moment when she opens the package, there isn't anywhere near enough material in there to be an entire outfit. The first item she lifts up appears to be a pair of shorts but there's so little of them they are barely much more than a pair of panties. Lexi hears a little knock on her bathroom door.

"Don't forget, you wear what's in the parcel and nothing else. That means no underwear if that wasn't clear," instructs Jess.

Lexi sighs. She pulls the tiny shorts up her thighs but despite being very petite standing 5ft 1ins and weighing only 105lbs the shorts are too tight for her and have to stretch around her butt and thighs. They are too small to sit above her hips, instead the waistband is way below her hip bones only just covering the mound of her pussy. The legs are none existent, instead they cut off just above the bottom of her ass, a small amount of butt cheek peeking out from beneath the tightly stretched pink lycia material.

The top is not much better than the shorts. When it's on there's just a strap around her back leaving her full back bare. At the front the small amount of white material criss-crosses across her boobs leaving her entire stomach bare and a significant portion of cleavage too.

Lexi looks at herself in her mirror and knows she's dressed up like she's about to start a shift in a strip club rather than walk to school.

When Lexi emerges from her bathroom even Jess looks surprised.

"Oh fuck," she laughs "you're actually going to school like that!"

Lexi cringes. She feels lost and doesn't know what she can do but at the same time the thought of saying no to Hayley is unthinkable.

The weather is good but after sneaking past her mum to get out of the house in her ridiculous attire the cool morning breeze still creates a slight chill for Lexi in her near nakedness. Everyone she passes stares at her, some with lust and others in disapproval of the slut. Jess is walking 10 metres behind clearly not wanting to be seen with the town slut. Several vans beep their horns and call out obscenities at Lexi making her face blush bright pink. The chill in the air makes her nipples erect increasing her humiliation yet further as she approaches the school. It’s bad enough that she’s heading into school nearly naked but what’s worse is the sight of Tasha, Hayley and the boys all waiting for her at the school gate laughing at her as she approaches.

Tasha shakes her head “What a complete and utter slut you are Lex.”

Hayley laughs “Oh Tash, if you think she’s a slut now, just wait and see some of the ideas I have in store for her.”
19f in UK.

Interested in - Being controlled, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial.

Limits - Pee, scat, toilet control, illegal activities, pics and vids (any pictures i send i will volunteer once I'm ready).
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