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Old 02-18-2008, 04:58 PM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 75

If you could blow yourself:yes
If you could work as a dare slave:yes
If you could work as a dare master:if i had a female slave who was very hot
If you could be either gender:male but i would like to try being a girl
If you could increase your breast/penis size:yes i would like a larger package
If you could have a superpower:x ray vision
If you could have sex everyday:if it was good
If you could do a sexual roleplay in real life:if it was hot
If you could be a playboy photographer:i would pay them
If you could be a hooker who gets paid $1000 a night:maybe if i did it with the same person and they were female
If you could live in a comunity where everyone is naked:depends i don't want to see alot of naked guys
If you could change one physical feature:stronger
If you could have an affair and not get caught:nah
If you could make a porn video and no one you knew would find it:well see my comment for sex every day
I'm expecting the unexpected-New slave

i am not saying you're a ducebag, I am saying you are a bag of duce.
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