Thread: tree house club
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Old 03-25-2023, 05:46 AM   #11
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Posts: 36

For most of the next week Jenny was expecting someone to redeem their one of their IOU’s but nothing had happened and Jenny thought to herself that maybe they were only teasing her and forgot about them and that made her stop worrying about what they might put on her IOU”s for her to do so she started to relax as she went through her normal school routine as she looked forward to the end of the school day and the weekend.

As the bell rang for the end of school Jenny got up from her desk and made her way down the hall and outside to where she was going to catch her bus home. Jenny could see Emily, Eric and Joan waiting at the bus stop for her which was normal for them to do.

“Hi Jenny” Joan and Emily said to her as they stood waiting for the bus and started to chat amongst themselves.

“What are we going to do this weekend?” asked Jenny knowing it was going to be a sunny weekend and wanted to spend it outdoors rather than sitting inside playing video games or something like that.

“I was thinking seeing tomorrow is Saturday and my little sisters has her soccer practice at eleven clock in the morning at the public park on the grassed area we will go and watch her practice and we can ride our bikes there” Emily replied then with Jenny, Eric and Joan agreeing with the idea so they all agreed to meet up the next morning.

The bus pulled up next to them and they got on and found a seat each at the back of the bus to continue their conversation about the weekends plans.

“I’m glad we all decided do to watch practice tomorrow morning and John will meet us there because John likes watching them practice in their little shorts and tops” Emily said to them as they read their magazines until it was almost time for their stop.

“Just one more thing before we all get off the bus” Eric said to Jenny.

“Because we are all going to the park in the morning I have decided that by half time practice all the girls in their small shorts and tops running up and down the grass will have us horny so I figure you need to entertain us so I have decided to use one of my IOU’s and I filled it out on your behalf so please read what you so called promised me in the IOU.”

Jenny looked shocked and embarrassed that they were going to actually use one of the IOU’s and she had no choice but to do whatever was on them or have pictures of her in compromising positions and dressed like a baby sucking a boys dick shown to people so she slowly took the folded up piece of paper and hesitantly unfolded it to read her fate.

The IOU promissory note read

This IOU promises that I Jenny will do the following at the girls Soccer practice at the park tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I will dress in my white panties, one of my training bras, shoes and socks and my blue summer dress and a mask given to me by Eric on the day.

At half time practice the team stop and have a drink and some oranges in the middle of the grass field for ten minutes and whilst this is happening I Jenny will ride my bike into some bushes where I will remove my dress and give it to Joan to look after so I am only in my panties, bra, shoes and socks then I will ride across the grass area past the team and yell “GO TIGERS” then keep riding off the grass area and into the forest beside the park then wait in a designated area in the forest until someone brings my dress back to me.

“WHAT?” Jenny said in a panicked voice then continued to say “Please not in front of Emily’s sister and her team mates that will be to embarrassing having her team see me in my underwear and they will never let me live it down and there’s always a few spectators and parents at practice.”

“We will see you in the morning and no one will recognize you if you in the mask I will give you unless you do something silly like stop riding or fall off your bike” Eric jokingly told her.

“Please anything else but this; I will do anything else if you change your mind.” Jenny said as she tried to make Eric change her mind.

“Don’t plead or argue with me when you promised to do something and if you don’t like it then how about I change it a little for you. How about doing it in just your panties then and give your bra to Joan as well as your dress?” replied Eric in a sarcastic voice.

Feeling defeated Jenny let out a sigh and then said to Eric in an unhappy voice that made Joan grin with the delight of knowing that Jenny would feel humiliated the next morning and her IOU idea was paying off.

“OK… OK then I will do it in my bra and panties if that’s what you want.”

“No, you should have just excepted the promise without complaining so it’s just your shoes, socks, panties and a mask for you and the team can see you riding past them with your little tittles out on display and don’t worry too much about showing them off to in public because there’s not a lot you have to look at the moment and they may not even interest anyone apart from the soccer team that might laugh at them as you go by but let’s just wait and see in the morning.” This made Jenny feel insecure about her chest.

“And if you don’t want to do the ride completely nude you will stop pleading with me and do as you are told.” Eric continued to say.

The next morning Joan, Eric and John waited for jenny at soccer practice hoping Jenny turned up.

“It’s been almost an half an hour since soccer practice started and it looks like Jenny is going to chicken out and there’s only fifteen minutes left until half time” Said Joan as she peered down at her watch.

“I was really looking forward to her paying up on the IOU but it’s not looking good. She must be too scared” replied Eric hoping g to see Jenny go through with it.

“Maybe she still might turn up so let’s give her until half time and if she doesn’t find the courage to turn up then we should punish her for not going through with it” John said to them hoping they would agree to his punishment idea.

“Eric, seeing it’s your IOU I think you should think up a good punishment and we won’t tell her until it happens so what did you have in mind if she doesn’t turn up?” Joan asked with curiosity.

Thinking about and wanting a good embarrassing punishment for her Eric came up with a good suggestion and said to the others “I think as well as use the pictures of her somehow we should take her somewhere at least two kilometers away from the tree house in the morning just as the sun is just starting to rise and then me and John can hold her down while Joan strips her completely nude then we leave her there nude and take her clothes back to the tree house and make her find her way to the tree house before she gets seen.”

“That’s diabolical, I like it so ether way she gets embarrassed going topless here or humiliated and nude later on” replied Joan as she smiled over Jenny’s predicament.

Five minutes later Jenny road up on her bike and stopped next to the others wearing her blue summer dress. “Sorry I’m late but I was really nervous and a little scared but unfortunately if I didn’t turn up I know I’m in trouble with the pictures of me so here I am.”

“There’s only about five minutes to go until half time so you take your bike into those bushes over there and Joan will go with you to so you can give her your dress and bra then as soon as they stop for half time I want you to start riding through the park and keep going until you leave the park and get to the clearing in the forest a little way in and wait there for us to bring your dress and bra to you and take this gorilla mask to hide your identity” Eric told her as he handed her a rubber gorilla mask which Jenny appreciated getting to at least stop anyone recognizing her from the team and from the half a dozen spectators watching the training session.

“You’re looking a little white and flustered, are you going to be OK?” Joan said to Jenny once they were both in the bushes out of sight of everyone in the park.

“That’s because I’m scared and know I have to go through with it” Jenny said to her as she unbuttoned her dress and slipped it off then handing it to Joan leaving her looking down at herself dressed in only her shoes, socks and her bra hesitating the thought of having to remove it from her chest exposing herself but knew if she missed half time she was going to be in trouble so with both hands she reached behind her back to find the clip and undid it and handed it to Joan.

“They are just stopping now so hop on your bike and the sooner you go the sooner it will be all over so hop on your bike and go when you are ready.”

It was now or never for Jenny as she took a few deep breaths and then started pedaling her bike as she left the cover of the bushes and onto the grassed area where they had been practicing.

There was no turning back now for Jenny as she could see Joan, John and Eric all lathing and whistling at the topless girl in her panties wearing a mask ride past the team yelling “GO TIGERS” and then disappearing into the distance making all the team members giggle and look in amazement at the half time show put on by jenny.

“Unreal, I didn’t think she would have actually gone through with it but she did and just think now we know she will do things like that we still have seven IOU’s for her so we can really put her to the test now let’s go and find her so we can give her the dress and bra back because I think by the time we get to her she will be glad to put the back on again.
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