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Old 02-10-2023, 06:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by LimeNLemonade View Post
Thank you for the task grannyd16

Your task was a little bit open to interpretation as I could read it two different ways.
After discussion with the Guardian Angel, I did the following:
1 clothespeg for 10 minutes, 30 second break, 2 clothespegs for 10 minutes, 30 second break, then 3 clothespegs... etc. adding an additional one until I had done 8 clothespegs and 80 minutes. Each one returning back to the same area as before. I hope that was how you intended it to be carried out (or I've probably suffered extra for no reason).

The first two/three clothespegs were relatively easy, but as time wore on I got increasingly sore and err wet. Taking them off and putting them back on was an absolute bitch. I would put my fingers in my mouth and suck hard on them to muffle my voice in case I needed to cry out.

The order I chose was: Left nipple, right nipple, left princess lip, right princess lip, right nipple, left nipple (got to switch it up a bit), tongue and then clit. The nipples were especially sore by the end as they had suffered the longest, my tongue was still sensitive from earlier... but my clit was of course the worst. It always is.

I feel floaty and sore and nice <3 Thank you xxx
Nice report, luckily for you (?) that was the way I intended it, sorry for the ambiguity as I posted it late at night
21M Bi Switch

Feel free to do any dare I give, no matter who it's originally too, as long as you send me a report of it after
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