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Old 01-02-2023, 01:36 PM   #31
Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 85

Originally Posted by kinkyamy View Post
Thank you Sir. Slut woke up late again and just did the spanks

Thank you Miss, that is fair. The slut just did the 20 butt spanks..

Here is the report from last night:

It went for a walk to a secluded place for the dare, although it couldn't hold its pee for so long so it started to pee in a bush, but it was stopped after 10s as someone was nearby! It kept walking and peed again, only partially to remove the immediate pressure to pee.

Then it arrived at the location and stripped. It thought it would be fun to give itself an enema too, so it squeezed a bottle of water into its ass (about 1L). Then it propped itself up against a tree (a handstand wasn't possible lol) and pissed over itself, including directly into its mouth a few times. Meanwhile the sluts ass was also expelling water, although this just poured backwards. Once it was done, it stood up and rolled on the ground a bit, but it wasn't muddy enough. So it walked 30s to a muddy place and rolled in it until covered

Then it came back to its clothes and got dressed. HOWEVER instead of heading back it decided to walk a bit further and went to the top of a hill. However on this walk the rest of the dirty enema started leaking out into the slut's panties and joggers.. For some reason (probably as it was a bit drunk) the slut decided to rip it's joggers...

After realising what it had done the slut proceeded to walk home holding up it's ripped joggers all the way. Luckily it didn't see anyone on the entire route home (so probably could have done it naked if not for the fear, plus CCTV cameras!)
Great report! I like how much effort the slut put into it, probably with the hope that some people would be graceful enough to give her a reward. Did it forget that it is just a worthless slut that no one cares about?

And now for real, as I don't want to be mean. I think the slut should get a reward. Hope it won't forget to show the miss how thankful it is. So here is the amount of points it gets as a reward:


That's still more than the slut is worth!
20 yo, female, Germany

likes: hidden nudity, the thrill of the risk to be seen naked

interests: verbal humiliation

limits: pics/vids, probably everything not in my likes/interests

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