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Old 07-10-2011, 01:02 AM   #137
Memories for Life
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Originally Posted by SlutPuppy View Post
I'm not going to get into it with anyone, but...

I personally think she did it. And if she didn't actually kill the little girl, then she knew about it, and just didn't give a fuck about her daughter anyway. If she drowned in the pool then it was an accident, but why try to cover it up? Why wait a month to report her missing? Why not call the police when it happened and tell them it was an accident?

I think she did it. BUT, I also understand why the jury ruled the way they did, as well as why she's going free. but yes, it is possible that she did it and it's very easy to cover up a murder, especially one of your child.

The only reason they didn't rule her guilty was because there was no hard DNA evidence. But all of her social interactions points to guilty, all her thoughts and emotional actions points to guilty, (If you were on trial for your kids murder wouldn't you be a little upset? If your kid went missing wouldn't you be upset? If you kid died wouldn't you be upset?).

Plus she wrote letters to other inmates, showing no remorse or anything. she was talking about changing her look and getting makeovers and stuff. Doesn't sound like someone who cares about their family at all...

That's my view on it.
You can't post a comment in an open forum and not expect a reply just because you "don't want to get into it with anyone"!

If she didn't care about her daughter, why did she wait almost 3 years to kill her? If she detested having a child so much, why didn't she legally murder the child while she was still pregnant by abortion? Why didn't Casey smother Caylee when she was still a baby and pass it off as SIDS? Did she just have a "switch" go off in her brain that said "kill Caylee" today?

It very easy to cover-up a murder especially your own child. Better tell this guy in Wyoming -- he's going to need it!

Social interactions point to guilty? If she was home, constantly crying that her child was gone or not eating anything until Caylee came home or going door-to-door handing out fliers 24/7, would these actions deem her not guilty? I don't think you saw any of the televised days in the courtroom but several times Casey broke down crying when descriptions of Caylee were discussed or photos presented. Plus one day the judge recessed early because Casey was visible emotional during gruesome testimony. The jury noticed that she was upset! But, of course, the naysayers will all pass that off as the "crocodile tears" of a conniving murderer!

The release of these "letters" were a blatant attempt by the prosecution to coerce public opinion during the case. It would appear some content would contradict your theory of "not caring about her family":
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