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Old 05-25-2022, 05:16 AM   #146
Baby Member
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 1

Would you rather:

- edge or ruin?
Edge for sure.

- ruin or orgasm?
Orgasm, that one was easy.

- Orgasm or be denied?
8 out of 10 times be denied.

- edge twice before bed or once when you wake up?
Wake up. Better to start a day all horny then work yourself to sleep.

- ruin an orgasm or stop touching?
Stop Touching, but that will be a lot harder than just ruin.

- edge once every hour or edge twelve times in a row?
Edge every hour.

- ruin your next five orgasms or have nine ruined orgasms with a random full orgasm?
I take the nine plus one full and hope it isn't in the first 3 that I get it.

- touch yourself or touch someone else?
Someone else.

- make yourself cum or make someone else cum?
Someone else again.
- be denied for a week for a ruin or be denied for a month for a full orgasm?
Denied for a month for a full orgasm.

- be overstimulated or understimulated?
Both are bad. I guess overstimulated.

- not be allowed to release or be tortured post-orgasm?
Not be allowed to release.

- only be allowed one edge per day or allowed seven edges per week?
One edge per day. I am too greedy I would use it all up the first day and go understimulated for a long time.

- not touch all next month for an orgasm or edge every day next month for five ruins?
Edge every day for five ruins. The length makes me opt for the stimulation even though it will all be ruined.

- go every other month for a year of no touch or go six months straight no touch?
Every other month.
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