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Old 05-01-2022, 02:30 PM   #12
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Another option, if you would like to retain a record of your past conversations/interactions (which I completely understand, as I am the same way) is to download old messages before deleting them. From your PM inbox, you can select messages with the tickbox in the rightmost column (the same way that you would select them to delete them or move them to a different folder) and then at the bottom of the page where there is the option that says "Selected messages: Move to folder" change it to say "Download as XML/CSV/TEXT" (depending on which format you want to download them as). Although it has been a while since I used this feature and I don't remember if it includes the complete conversation history (when you reply to an existing message, or someone else replies to your message) or if it just includes the actual messages that you selected.

Mostly gay, mostly dominant, mid-20s, slightly muscular but not very

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