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Old 03-31-2022, 07:45 PM   #1
Barer of Feet
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 533
Default Public Bathroom Clothing Risk, All-or-Nothing

This fun and hardcore dare idea was thought up in collaboration with Mary_Mary of recent naked walk dare fame! The core concept and the difficulty levels in the Timing phase were hers, while the write-up and the difficulty levels in the Clothing phase are mine. Thanks, Mary!

Fair Warning: This is a very risky dare, not for the faint of heart. It can range from moderately risky to a level that I don't think anyone here will actually do, but that should still be fun to imagine yourself doing. Think you're a hardcore exhibitionist? Prove me wrong! I dare you!

The dare has three difficulty levels: Daring, Courageous, and Extreme Exhibitionist. I named them that, because even the easiest level has a very real possibility of you being stranded completely naked and very much in public.

Daring will involve minor risk of the loss of some of your clothing and of being seen naked in public.

Courageous will involve moderate risk of the total loss of every stitch of clothing you were wearing, resulting in you potentially being stranded in public, completely naked, with no way to avoid being seen... a lot!

Extreme Exhibitionist will involve insane levels of risk of the total loss of all clothing you wore at the start, and will have a terrifyingly high likelihood of stranding you bare as the day you were born in an extremely public location, with no way out but through the goodwill of others.

Preparation Phase:

Go to a store or mall with a large public restroom. You may wear whatever you like, but beware: how much or how little you wear may have consequences later on.

Leaving your valuable belongings in your car or with a friend and/or bringing a small pouch or baggie in which to keep them safe is highly recommended. Losing your clothes is fun! Losing your keys, wallet, and phone... probably not so much. xD

Daring: This can be basically any big-box retail store, department store, or mall, anywhere in town. Just bring your sexy little self and the clothes on your back!

Courageous: This should be a department store or indoor shopping mall, somewhere popular and busy, and with nice, shiny floors and no aprons. Bring a backpack or rucksack with you... who knows what you might need it for?

Extreme Exhibitionist: You know that really cool mall, right downtown in the middle of everything? Yeah, you're gonna go there (or your nearest equivalent). But first, you're gonna go to a high-end luxury retailer that's near there. You know the type, with the signature paper shopping bags, and the names you see on the Silver Screen? Buy something at the luxury store. Anything. Your goal is the bag. Once you have one of their prestigious shopping bags, now you may go to a more ordinary store nearby, ideally in the same mall, or next door.

Stripping Down to Business:

Enter the main restroom in your chosen retail establishment as appropriate for your gender, with your rucksack, your prestigious shopping bag, or just the clothes on your back, according to the difficulty you chose. You may need to hang out for a little while until it empties out, because the next step is to be done right out in the open, by the sinks, so you can see your naughty self in the mirror!

For this round, you must stick with the same difficulty you chose in the Preparation Phase. Next round, you'll get to change your mind if you like. You did read the dare before choosing and starting it... didn't you? No? Uh oh... well good luck!

Daring: Take off all of your clothes. Shoes, socks, pants, underwear, shirt(s), jackets, scarves, bras, skirts, dresses... if it can cover any part of your body bigger than a fingertip, take it off.

Now—just go with me here—I want you to throw it all away. All of it. Everything you used to be wearing not so long ago.

Go on! Into the bin near the sinks where the waste paper goes. "But I thought this was the low-risk version!!?" Shhhh, it's okay, cutie. It is. As low-risk as this dare gets, anyway.
See, you're just hiding your clothes in the garbage. The chances that the cleaning staff will come in literally during the dare to cart your modesty to the dumpster out back is miniscule! For extra safety, reach in and shuffle them down into the paper towels a bit, or add a few more on top.

And hey, don't worry! Nobody looks in a rubbish bin for clothes to snag. Nobody. Well... I mean, you might, after today, no? xD

Courageous: Take off all of your clothes. Shoes, socks, pants, underwear, shir—look, you know the drill by now, right? Everything off, down to your birthday suit!

Put all that lovely doffed clothing into your backpack or rucksack! Aaaaah, now you see where were going with this, amirite?

Leave the backpack somewhere 'out of the way' but not hidden. Under the sinks, partly under a divider between urinals, etc. The more obvious the spot, the riskier the dare becomes.

I mean, you've probably noticed by now, but... just in case, all of your clothing is now out of your reach, in a nice, convenient package that could be stolen in a single swipe of a thief's hand! Do you feel lucky...? Punk? Well...? Do ya?

Extreme Exhibitionist: Take off all of your clothes. Shoes, socks, pants... are we sensing a pattern here? This is a naked dare! Get naked, please.

Put absolutely all of it, from your socks to your undershirt into that fancy-schmancy luxury retailer shopping bag.

And where, pray tell, are you going to leave this incredibly tempting target for a quick and easy high-value snatch and grab for even the most tepidly tempted thieves?

On the counter, at the sinks, just off to one side like you just forgot it. Oops!

Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky, and a good samaritan will drop it off at the Lost & Found! I... have no idea how you'll explain why all of the clothes you were wearing that day were in a shopping bag in the bathroom to be found, but I'm sure you'll think of something! Or maybe you should just take the L and skedaddle.

And Now, We Wait:

At this point you should be completely and utterly naked, except maybe some eyeglasses. Trust me, if you had any jewelry you forgot to take off, especially on the higher difficulties, you might very well wish you'd left it in the bag by the time all is said and done, since if the dreaded event really does come to pass, your only salvation will be that you can legitimately and truthfully claim, "They stole everything! My clothes, my jewelry, everything! Help!" Which... could be a tad less convincing if you're still glittering with gold, hmm? And that may be the difference between a comforting blanket and a ride home, and your hands cuffed behind your back and a ride to jail, fair warning. So really, just... leave it all behind, yeah?

Now go into a cubicle/stall. You may lock the door. Your goal is to be completely hidden, not exposed, as cute as your naked feet would look under those American-style half-privacy walls. So if you are in the US, you might have to squat on the toilet or something, or... just use the stall way in the back, and hide in the corner.

The key to this dare is time, so time is what we'll vary with these difficulty options. Well... time and what you'll be doing to bide it. The longer you're hiding in your stall/cubicle, the less likely your clothing will still be there when you come out! Just imagine it... being stranded without a single thing to wear, in a very public bathroom, in a very busy shopping center, in a very busy city, tip-toeing on quiet bare feet out through stunned crowds to the front desk to beg for assistance... *shivers* I know it sounds hot to me!

So on the timers... let's go thematically with this one. Difficulty levels are so last-section.

Maths: Count to a million by powers of two. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128... you get the idea. Oops, did you forget to carry the six there? Damn, I guess you'll have to start over. 1, 2, 4, 8... focus, now, so your clothes are still there when you're done!

Biology: Masturbate to orgasm. Count your strokes/plunges. Was it fewer than your age in years? Neat! I'm flattered to have excited you so well! Now do it again.

Was it more strokes than your growth rings would be, were you a tree? Cool! You may now go and see if your clothes are still where you left them, or if you're about to have one of the most interesting days of your life!

Memory: How many things did you take off and put in the bin, bag, or sack? Do you remember? A shoe is one thing. A pair of socks is two things. Okay, okay, not all of these are that difficult to answer.

Happily, there is another kind of challenge available to us: that number? The things you took off? That's how many edges you must do! Isn't that wonderful? I did tell you how much you wore might have consequences, waaaaay up at the top, remember?

Yes, this one's gonna take a while. Yes, that means your clothes are considerably more likely to be stolen. Yes, that means you're probably gonna be seen naked as a jaybird by many, many fellow humans. This is the hardcore, extreme exhibitionist option. Go on... you know you wanna!

Oh, but... if you're wrong? Heh... heheh... heheheh. I guess you didn't need the extras. You may put on the difference between the number you guessed, and the real number. The rest don't belong to you anymore, forgetful one. Just drop 'em on the floor and walk away. Good luck explaining your bizarre state of undress now!

(Note: neither Barefoot nor Mary_Mary is liable for any damages, humiliation, orgasms, jail time, or other consequences that may or may not be caused by excessive stupid, hormones, or confidence. Well... okay. Orgasms. We'll take responsibility for those. You're welcome.)

((But seriously, the hardest versions of this are nutty-bananas. If you do want to try, please have some sort of backup plan available, in the form of a friend or loved one with spare clothing, and a phone you can keep on your person!))
Kik: Barefoot_Alien
PM me or Kik me for my Discord ID for longer conversations.

I most enjoy giving dares involving exhibitionism, nudity, orgasms, and bare feet.

I like to give dares/commands to people who are eager and grateful to obey, not ones who have to be blackmailed or brow-beaten into doing things.

I do not support chastity or long-term denial. My philosophy as a dom is almost diametrically opposed.

I adore, encourage, and truthfully answer, virtually all questions.

Last edited by BarefootAlien; 03-31-2022 at 07:54 PM.
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