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Old 06-02-2011, 06:18 PM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 49

Well, even without any replies, I'm gonna write part 3.

"Truth" she answered.

"Ok, who's a better fuck? Me or Drew?" He asked knowing the answer. Drew had never had sex before with her while Fred had fucked her brains out long before she gained the weight and when she still had the flexability of a dancer.


Chapter 3:

Emily was nervous because the game was her idea, and how bad would it look if she was the first to lie! She knew Drew would get better, but at the moment Fred had definitely been the better fuck.

"Um......You, Fred." she replied, hesitantly, "I'm sorry baby, but we haven't had a lot of time or practice to get better yet."

Drew looked a combination of depressed and pissed. He was mad because every time they had sex now, he'd be thinking am I doing it as good as Fred? Would she rather it be Fred?

"Whatever, you guys were together for 3 years, of course he was better. I'm fine" he lied. "Just ask someone Em."

Emily felt bad, but decided to move on a bank on him just forgetting about it. Not likely, but what else was she to do? "Drew, Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Drew answered, surprised she would ask him after what had jut transpired.

"Have you ever thought about anyone else while we were making love?" She asked, hoping to get him on her level for saying Fred was a better fuck than him.

"Honestly, no. I have just been so psyched to be having sex, why would I need to think of anyone else?" He replied, making Emily a combo of disappointed and touched.

"That is so sweet!" Fred and Brian joked.

"Shut up guys," Drew sniped, "oh and by the way, Truth or Dare Brian?"

"Dare!" Brian said, feeling confident.

"I dare you to go up to that same girl that Fred did and flash the brain to her!" He said with a smirk on his face, knowing his friend was pretty socially withdrawn. (For anyone who doesn't know, the brain is when you pull out your testicles without exposing your penis, and press them together so that it looks like a little brain. You can see this in the film "Waiting", it's awesome)

"Fuck you dude." Brian grunted as he got up. He was acting as if it was no big deal, but inside he was truly petrified. He had been in love with a girl from the library for a year and was too scared to ask her out, and now he has to show his balls to a total stranger...

To be continued...

(btw, this was short because the first time around I didn't get many replies, so I'm testing the water again before I get into the good stuff! Also, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them through a PM; wouldn't want anything to be spoiled in the the thread.)

Last edited by EB32; 06-02-2011 at 06:20 PM.
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