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Old 02-05-2022, 02:12 PM   #2017
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 8

  1. Hide the key to your front door in a location of your choice (1+ mile away).
  2. Prepare 2 trash bags with one jogger's outfit each.
    1. Create two jogger's outfits: one men's outfit and one women's outfit.
    2. Put each outfit into a black trash bag and knot them shut.
    3. Both the size and weight of each trash bag must be the same to prevent yourself from knowing which bag contains which outfit.
    4. Somehow forget which trash bag contains which outfit. E.g. blindfold yourself and throw the bags a couple of times in the air.
  3. Undress yourself and pick one trash bag to take with you.
  4. Lock yourself out of your house naked and open the trash bag to learn in which outfit you'll be jogging.
  • You can do the same with your car and car keys instead of your home.
  • You can decrease or increase the chance of jogging cross-dressed by adding trash bags with outfits.
  • The outfits themselves determine the difficulty.
  • Don't jog nude: it's illegal.
Fantasy: to be forced to do something without a way out (without alternatives).
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