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Old 05-26-2011, 02:20 PM   #21
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 26

Okay, so I'm done with the first dare.. wow.
Um, not that I want you to think I'm a slut or something, but.. I almost came even before clicking my cuffs together *blush*
After setting that vibe on high (which turned out to be a MAJOR mistake) I rolled over and started fiddling with the cuffs to get them locked, distracted by the vibe which felt soooo good!
I had my first cum not even a minute, I think, after locking the cuffs together.
And no, I didn't count how many times I came, I don't think I could have... Lets just say that it was more than enough

However, there's two things I have to confess:

First, I managed to push the gag out after about half the time. Yes, I know I shouldn't have, but, I have a really horrible gag! It's like, it's at least twice the size it was on the picture when I bought it on the net (no kidding, it's HUGE, at least compared to my mouth) but most importantly, it TASTES REALLY BAD. Like, really really bad, like having acid in your mouth or something, I really don't understand why I even keep that thing.
Anyway, I guess I should be punished for that, and it's fair that The Evil One decides the punishment since it's his dare I cheated on. You can post in this thread or PM me, whichever you like ^^;

Secondly, I was planning to do more dares tonight, but I'm really EXHAUSTED (in a good way )
Sorry, but there's really no way I can muster enough energy to do another bondage dare... I'll try to do them another night, perhaps even tomorrow night if life stuff works out so that I can

And again, thank you everyone for posting and making my evening so interesting... special thanks to The Evil One <3
And yeah, I probably should try to give a better description of what, um, happened.. but it's all a blur of squirming, throbbing, that awful taste, vibrating, rolling around, cumming... I really don't think I can give a description, at least not in the state I'm in now
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