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Old 12-13-2021, 12:44 PM   #497
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 477
Post My punishment with a punishment infraction in it.

Originally Posted by master84 View Post
Love the pencil idea. That is a very clever idea as well! Sounds like it was a fun torture also.

So Tigerlily and I had talked and she has expressed how it was getting colder and how the colder temps were adding an excitement, specially with the temp dropping there. I suggested a task of a bucket with ice water that she must stand in in the attention pose from the Sub positions link above. From there I gave the option to hold a coin with her nose to the wall with with her between her butt cheeks. If she let the coin drop it would add 5 min on her walking in the gravel boots after the ice water torture.

I look forward to another great detailed report of the experience for her.


After some discussion we changed this a bit as well as made it a bit of a punishment. So the final task will be standing in a bin of ice water for 40 min total. After 40 min, she has an added 5 min, however, no timer for this. This time will be counted out by the second. If count is lost then start over on the count. If exit early then assume the humble position with nose to the floor and can not leave the floor until the timer goes off. Once completed then go into the boots.

I laced my boots up tightly with unpolished rocks, making my feet sensitive, or 'tenderising them', if you will, for 1 hour and 20 minutes. My feet could feel the rocks digging painfully into my skin the entire time. During this time, while planning my punishment, I also filled a tub of water in the attic, wanting the water nice a freezing, later getting ice packs to drop in the water right before the punishment.

I felt timid going into the attic, the temperature just below freezing. I took off my shirt and folded it neatly. I then undid my boots, taking them off. It really hurt to stand right after. I then took off my pants, folded them, along with my underwear.
I slowly stepped into the freezing water, having to do what was told, the water reaching just at the start of my ankles.
I stood there with my naked body tensing and shivering, hoping that I wasn't going to end up peeing myself--I did not allow myself to relieve myself beforehand--as I clenched a penny with my ass cheeks, consequences if dropped. I was instructed to stay there for 40 minutes, plus, to add to the punishment, after the timer, I needed to count out loud 5 more minutes. For every time the penny drops, I would have to count out loud another 5 minutes as I remained standing naked in the freezing water.

I took in deep breaths; I was so cold. It felt dehumanising, degrading, and demeaning as I stood there, not allowed into the warmth just on the other side of the wall I stood in front of. As time went, there was a deep feeling of helplessness and shame, not allowed to move from my spot. The penny dropped. I drank some water and placed the penny back between my butt cheeks to clench.
I would take in deep breaths of whimpers, almost as if I wanted to cry, in having to remain where I was, not allowed to leave---something I repeated--I was not allowed to leave from my spot. I had to stay put as told. If I left, I would only be sent right back to that very spot, with added, worse punishment. I didn't want that. So all I could do was stand there and shiver and wait for the time to pass. Not once did I think to look at the timer this time. I repelled from the thought, if anything, not wanting to make my punishment worse. Getting punished last time at the mere contemplation of it had been enough.

I dropped the penny two other times, once going in the water, each time taking gulps of water. I was so afraid the penny would drop again. I felt like it was slipping at one point towards the end, so I clenched tighter, and many times I thought I was going to start to pee myself from shivering so much.
I didn't stay in the attention pose from the start, I kept wrapping my arms around my chest or clasping my hands together. I did keep the attention pose at some points, but it was just so cold. I knew not keeping pose was punishable. It was added cold torture to be in position.

It really was a deep feeling of humiliation and dehumanisation as I stood there. When the timer went off, I knew I was going to have to stay put and count out loud for another 20 minutes. I was going to be there for an hour. I couldn't let the penny drop again. I couldn't stay there longer than that. It was torture to stay there. I wanted out but knew I had to stay. I had no right to leave my spot, and that made me whimper and want to cry.

When the timer went off, I hit reset, starting to count out loud minute by minute. This was torturous, having to count each minute for 20 minutes. My voice shook from shivering so much as I went. I continued to break pose, and I already had decided the punishment; I was not looking forward to it. I just needed to hold my bladder, or I would make it worse for myself.

When I had counted 20 minutes out loud, I looked at the timer, seeing I was 20 seconds fast. So I waited for 20 seconds, and then I counted out loud one more minute. I got out immediately putting my feet on a towel. I knelt down, starting to dry my feet, but was interrupted, grabbing the back of my head, my hair being pulled, and my head was dunked in the cold water, startling me. It happened again, 10 times in all, feeling in shock from it, feeling further degraded into worthlessness. I was taking in deep breaths of whimpers while I go dressed. I had to sit and lace my freezing feet back in my shoes, crying out as my foot went into one. With how one of the rocks lined up, it was stabbing into my toe, having me cry 'no' many times as the boot was tightened. I was helpless, not allowed to do anything but put the other boot on. I was crying out, still feeling shock and a bit emotionally scattered from my head being dunked 10 times in freezing water that I had stood in for an hour.

When walking out of the attic, I immediately turned the heat on to heat the room further, putting on a warm hoodie, still feeling helpless as each step was extremely painful, wanting to cry from shame and humiliation.
Like all punishments, I end it with walking 10 minutes straight. From the punishment infraction, there was an added 5 minutes, and from the 3 penny drops, another 15 minutes.
I let a 10 minute timer go off first to show that would be the normal stopping point, having to drag another 20 minutes, each step feeling like torture, crying out as I went.
When allowed to take my boots off, I shook as I walked barefoot, painful at each step.

The punishment was now over, and I was allowed to sit and calm down.

This was an interesting experience, and I like pushing myself to limits like this.

A note of safety:

I kept an eye on my feet in the water and regularly wiggled my toes. If there had been any sign my feet becoming too cold, I would have gotten out of the water and dried my feet off, switching to a humble pose instead.

Another note for emotional self-care,

once out of the attic, there was a deep feeling of worthlessness from dunking my head in the water, still feeling great shock from it, and it scattered my emotions. When walking for 30 minutes, I did it with a movie on that I knew well--one with cheerful songs, at that. That was self-care---a preventative from sub-drop.

Always have fun, but be safe whilst doing it, and pay attention to your emotions. The sudden change of environments can be a shock, and if you have no one there, you need to make sure your emotions will not suddenly plunge. That can result to sub-drop.
Nothing public!


I rarely answer pms with exceptions--
You know who you are.
I will also reply if I see someone is in distress from sub-drop. Just make sure I am logged on, as I do not receive alerts when not logged in.

Last edited by Tigerlily; 12-13-2021 at 12:47 PM.
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