Thread: Fiction: The Boys are back!
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Old 12-06-2021, 10:45 AM   #6
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The Boys collected their bags and made their way to the exit, thankfully for some, none of them were pulled by the numerous security personnel and their bags checked as that could have been a bit embarrassing, especially for Jack with the goods he had onboard. Daniel pushed his way through the boys to the front and had a look for the Minibus that the Villa complex has sent to collect them from the airport. And as if just by magic, it pulled up right in front of their toes to the kerbside and the side door opened. The driver bounced out and took their luggage signalling the boys to get aboard the pimp blacked out minibus. Leather seats, charging points and a big TV up-front. This was the life for them. The driver finished stacking the luggage underneath for them before he poked his head through the side door. "Beers in the back free of charge. The TV can be connected to Netflix on your phones. It will take us around 2 hours to get to the complex so enjoy and relax. I can stop if you boys need a toilet break along the way just let me know in advance so I can stop at the services." The driver shut the door, jogged around to the drivers door, hopped in and set off. The boys couldn't believe their luck and congratulated Daniel on the transfer they had been given. Daniel accepted the thanks but was a little bemused as this was not what he had thought he ordered but he wasn't going to say anything.

A little later they decided to try and connect their phone to the entertainment system and stick a movie on to pass the time. Some has payed a little more attention to what has happened in the last 30 minutes than others. Luke had noticed the logo that was bouncing around the TV was the same what was stenciled on the back of the seats in the bus as well as the logo on the drivers t-shirt. The text was in Turkish, so Luke quietly Googled it. 'Dağınık oyuncu konağı' it said. Which he found translated into the very rough Messy Player Mansion. Luke was bit confused so then he Googled the Turkish and then it clicked, it all made sense. Alffi had booked a Villa in a resort dedicated to messy shows and WAM in general. The website had all sorts of videos with what looked like a studio set up and lots of pictures and clips from shows that had obviously been well funded. This is what the boys had unknowingly paid for. Luke kept his mouth shut as he didn't want to alarm the others but at the same time, he thought that this surely is an option and they can avoid it if they wish.

The journey went on and as it was drawing to a close they pulled up at this massive gated community resort on the edge of the desert and quite far from the nearest town from what they could see. The electric gates opened and the bus pulled in and across to the Villa in the corner of the Cul-de-sac of 5 Villas. "This is you guys. I think you boys will have plenty of fun in your stay here. WE are very pleased to have you and we hope you join us for some of our weekly run entertainment nights." he said with a smile as he was unloading their cases and passed over the key to Cameron. "Do you want me to show you around?" The Boys shook their heads as they had now been travelling for nearly 11 hours.

Cameron unlocked the door and was the first through, the other bombed up the stairs looking to try and find the best bedroom and bed to put their claim on. The 4 bedrooms were taken within a matter of seconds. Alffi had partnered up with Jake. Alex with Rhys. Jack and Daniel had taken the double suite and in the triple was Scott, Cameron and Michael. This left Luke on his own to take the sofa bed at the top of the stairs. There were clear rules laid down by all about sharing the double beds, no touching, no farting, no naked sleeping were some of those common ones but Jake piped up as he heard the same from each of the rooms. "Will you all just shut up! We will probably be too pissed to even remember which room we are sleeping in so just man up and stop being a bunch of girls about it!" Well that was that decided. The boys got changed, some went to one of the 3 showers in the Villa and Rhys changed his underwear and chucked them in the corner of the room before getting into the shower in the en-suite that they had.

Alex wandered into Alffi's room and asked for the clothes that he had asked him to get for him. "You got that stuff for me?" Alffi nodded and chucked him the carrier bag with the receipt inside. Without even taking a glance, ALex turned and headed back to his room to get changed into his swimming 'shorts' and head down to the pool to catch the last of the sun before it sets and gets colder. Alex sets the bag on his bed and dips his hands in pulling out the two t-shirts on the hangers. He has a quick look and sets them to the side, they were run of the mill cheap t-shirts. Next up came the 'boxers', he looks at the packet then realising that he is holding a packet of 6 white briefs. "Alffi! What the fuck are these?" he shouts. No reply. He dives back into bags pulling out the red Speedo briefs. Bright red with a Speedo logo on the left hip and 'SPEEDO' in white across the bum. "Alffi!" He shouts again. Alffi appears at the door "Mate, I had nothing to do with those, it's quite funny but I have nothing to do with those. I went and got the T-Shirts and socks for you and Cam and Scott got those. I showed them the message and thats what they came back with." "Are you fucking serious?? You didnt even check to see what they had got at any point?" Alex interrogates. "Mate to be honest, I didnt until I chucked that bag in my case this morning on the way out and actually thought it was quite funny." he replies. Alex, who is now fuming at this point "Alffi, I have no other swimming shorts with me, my last ones were lost at the beach and I only brought 3 pairs of boxers with me so now I am going to have to go and buy more!" Alffi takes a moment and tries to level with him. "I dont really see the problem here, loads of people wear them, what's the big deal? I have something similar with me, I don't like the baggy stuff anyway. I'm going for a swim now, you coming?" He grins trying to make light of the situation. "Yeah fuck it" Alex mutters with a sigh. They both shut the doors and Alex slides on his new Red Speedo, a moment later, Alffi appears at his door wearing Black and grey Jammers with a nice bulge and a slender toned body. They grab a towel each and walk down to the pool out the back of the Villa, chuck their towels down on a lounger and jump in.
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