Thread: Fiction: The Boys are back!
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Old 12-06-2021, 10:07 AM   #5
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Posts: 163

The next morning the boys sprang out of bed and got their final thoughts together and a sanity check to make sure they had everything then needed and waited on their ride to the airport.

The boys got there in good time, all within about 20 minutes of each other then checked their bags in and headed to the departure lounge for some lunch before going to their departure gate.

On the plane the tricks started already, Alffi had managed to get the boys seated together so it made the 5 hour long flight a bit more entertaining for some rather than being scattered across the plane. It was a 2-3 configuration with the boys taking up the entirety of two rows. About an hour in a few had fallen asleep. Namely Alex and Rhys.

They were sat beside each other in the front row of 3 and no worse place to be with Cameron and Daniel tucked in behind you with Michael on the right.

Rhys was quiet and obviously had a fairly sheltered childhood as he was sometimes quite shocked at what the boys would come out with sometimes, and easily embarrassed by some of the questions they would ask him. He was good fun for them though, he always had them round for drinks at the weekends so liked for that as well as his kind demeanour but sometimes more often than not, he was the subject of their joke. A gym buff, Rhys was always about image, dressed very well and loved a good tense of his muscular body in the mirror.

Michael however was another cross country runner, he was skinny, dark haired and long legged, wiry and just built to run, he had moved down to the boys school at the age of 14 to be closer to the nation cross country team training venue, he competed at the youth European championships finishing an impressive 10th so took his sport very seriously, it was hard to get him to come out and enjoy himself with a few drinks especially if there were any events coming up which seemed to be every weekend. Michael had a glint of mischief in his eye quite of didn't mind getting involved whenever he had the chance of a good old fashioned prank.

The Air Hostess has just come through the cabin with some water and bread rolls, you know the time that are slightly warm and rock hard, yeah, those. Daniel alerted Cameron to the unexpected sleeping pair cutely resting their heads together in the row in front. The whispered and came up with a plan, getting Michaels attention too, then briefed him and then made their moves.

Daniel reached forward and dropped the slice of butter that came with the bread down the back of Alex's t-shirt and Cameron slid two more pieces into the back of Rhys' Grey CK boxers that were on show in the gap between the seats. The top of his bubble butt conveniently on show and welcomed the room temperature butter. As if that wasn't bad enough, Michael opened his bottle of water and poured small amounts into Rhys crotch, not to alarm him but just enough to wet the khaki shorts. Michael was creative, he wet his crotch and one side of his shorts as to look exactly like he had just had an accident. Their sniggered and held back laughs was enough to show how much they enjoyed their pranks, and, well, if this is to go by, they are in for one hell of a trip. The boys will have to sleep with one eye open.

The flight was tailing to an end as they heard the Captain come over the radio and inform the crew of the aircraft beginning a descent into the airport. By this time the butter had long since melted and the boys had begun to wake up. Alex appeared to be clueless and never mentioned a thing. Rhys had shifted about a bit in his seat but again, didn't mention a thing. The damage was done however. The butter had melted and now Rhys butt cheeks were rubbing together very easily now that the butter had made its way down his crack and the photos had been taken of the wet patch in his shorts that had since dried. Unfortunately for the others, the butter had partially melted and fallen out the bottom of Alex's t-shirt and on to the floor. anyway, the plane landed and the boys gathered their things to exit. Row by row they exited before they hit the door, and were hit with that blast of hot air from the airport tarmac. A clammy 33c that afternoon.

So, after getting through passport control and finding the carousel to grab their bags, they waited. Rhys by this stage had realised that something was up with his underwear so had slipped off to the bathrooms to check himself and readjust. It was then he realised, that the greasy stain in the back of his trunks was butter. They had left a wrapper on one of the pieces that had some how now stuck perfect to his bum cheek. The fury built in him, he gave himself a wipe and headed back to the Boys.
"Which one of you bastards done this then?" he said with an aggressive tone but a hint of a wry smile. Daniel and Cameron could hardly hold their water as they burst into laughter. Rhys didn't even reply. He grinned, rolled his eyes and swung back around to the carousel with a shake of his head.
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