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Old 11-10-2021, 05:26 PM   #16
Goddess Joanna
getDare Sweetheart
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*Still leisurely editing this one a bit. Will remove this notice when I'm finished.
Originally Posted by StrawDog View Post
Regarding your quote from Meditations, do you seek out philosophical works, classics in particular, or just see what catches your eye?

What else do you grow other than the aforementioned cucumber?
1.) I like quotes and philosophy. I do like classics in most everything.

As I have mentioned, I procrastinate sometimes and said I do that with books as well.

I want to read more Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Check out Ovid's Ars Amatoria. Read Sappho. Confucius. Lao Tzu. Rumi. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. Emily Dickinson and Ralph Waldo Emerson :-)

Henry David Thoureau. Einstein.

And I just did a search just now on philosophers etc. and have come up with a few that sound interesting for me to look up sometime.

Empedocles of Acragas
Zeno of Citium
John Locke
John Stuart Mill

A little of Friedrich Nietzsche
Some of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Ludwig Wittgenstein

I'm sure there's much more. I'm really great at research, finding things quickly, and other things, but even so procrastinate with myself.

And I would be remiss not to mention Jesus.

When I was a teenager, I was interested in learning about both things I'm interested in ~ and things that I'm not interested in, but are other perspectives that I don't share, yet try to understand their reasons and where they are coming from. I try to understand them. Some things were a little frightening or more so.

I still want to understand many things.

I have an very open mind to people, kinks, and everything yet I am who I am.

I think things like apprenticeships from the masters of the Renaissance era and Raphael Sanzio's The School of Athens painting (even though it was it was from his imagination) are really inspiring...
I enjoy Classical and Impressionist paintings, a bit of abstract, etc.

I would like to freely have discussions kinda like they did back then (but without Socrates fate ) to understand and learn from each other and grow even if some things aren't mutual. It just seems unwelcome oftentimes and not comfortable so I don't attempt.

2.) Pretty sure I said zucchini :-p You're on so many AMAs, so easy to miss. Maybe I'll become a fraction of the AMA whore you are ;-) whenever I squeeze out spare time for it. I like your questions and responses.

My best friend and I have a peach tree, strawberry patch, blueberries, green and purple grapes, cherry tomatoes, green onions, garlic, artichokes, banana peppers, green bell peppers (though my favorite is orange, then yellow), peanuts (though prefer tree nuts), asparagus, variety of carrots and potatoes, watermelons, zucchinis, and cucumbers ( <- which I've first mentioned now ).

We have much more other fruit and vegetable seeds we haven't tried yet. And this garden is only a small glimpse. Eventually we'll have a farm elsewhere.

I'm up to date on answering my questions everyone. Feel free to ask me something if you want. Don't be shy :-D

Last edited by Goddess Joanna; 11-10-2021 at 08:14 PM.
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