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Old 10-24-2021, 05:03 PM   #1
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Default Idea for role play

If this isn't the right place to post this please let me know.

The place is a Hospital, not just any hospital but; Ready? A sex Hospital. Patience are the (submissive.) The doctors are the Doms. Now the patience can come on their own or they can be forced by who ever to be in the Hospital.

Patients; they can use any toy or toys they have, the catch is; they have to let their Doctors/Master or Doms know what they have. The Doctors will decide what the Patient will use or be "hooked up" to but once you the (patient) cum you will belong to that Doctor/Master.
Doctors/Masters; they can choose who they want as their patients. Like i said once the patient cums they belong to the Doctor/Master.
Now if the Doctor/Master decide he doesn't want that slave/patient he can let her go, or give her back to the hospital, to find a nother Doctor/Master.

Doctors: they're more then welcome to say they'll be a Doctor/Master for a day/24 hours or something.
Patients/Slaves same rule applies

In the comment if you want to be a Doctor say i'll play/be a Doctor. Then say how long
Patients same thing: but for you patients list what toys you have.

I hope everyone enjoys this. If you have any ideas on how to make this better please let me know.
My laments are: pics, poop/pee, animal, anything public, blood

I do have 2 toys i have a small vibrator, and a gspot vibrator, I also have anything you can find in a bedroom. I have markers, clothespins, a knitting needle, and some icy hot cream.

Last edited by Slavegirl!; 10-24-2021 at 05:10 PM.
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