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Old 09-30-2021, 10:41 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by zctt View Post
What are your turn on’s and turn off’s?
That's such a vast question... Turn off's for sure : stupid people, if you can't hold a decent conversation, or make a complete sentence, don't bother. younger people, it's not that it's necessarily a turn off, but from my experience, they don't know what they're doing and just becomes a waste of time. Honestly, there is not too much that will full on turn me off right from the start, except stupid people. That is an automatic no. I don't deal with liars either, if you can't be honest with me, you're not worth my time either. Since you told me privately you wanted kinks too - TPE (just no, I can direct my own life), being easily dismissed (just let me know I'm on some kind of priority list, don't ignore me until you're bored), no real conversation (it's great you're into the same shit as me, but I do have a life and feelings, and I love to talk, so talk to me!), don't push your likes on me (if it's not my kink, and it's yours and you think I might like it, talk to me about trying it, don't push it on me out of nowhere - easiest way to freeze me up and make me drop you) - I am sure there are much much more, but I'm already writing a novel and I still need to get to the likes, haha

Turn on's : humor (I'm a sarcastic and sassy person myself, if you can't take a joke or dish it, probably not gonna work - I like to laugh), intelligence (conversation with substance is needed), open lines of communication (can't talk if there is no way to), honesty (this is a big one, I want to be able to trust you, but if you're lying to me, how can I?) Kinks - playful and random (I don't mind getting random text's during the day to do something stupid or small, it adds variety), teasing, edging, and the likes (I may complain that I'm horny all the time, but I enjoy it, keep it coming), I will probably regret this next one one day... being told no (I enjoy it - when I really really want something, I enjoy the occasional no - I'll think of new ways to ask), banter (I give as hard as I get sometimes, if you can't handle me busting your balls - probably not going to work, I know I can be hard to "tame" some days more than others, but once you've earned my submission, I'm not that bad - or I don't think I am), ohhh... being told how much you want me, or how hard - or wet - I make you (honestly, who doesn't want to feel wanted? It's hot to know I can drive you just as crazy), again, I am sure there are more... but I've said more than enough, haha
Just a horny little slut

Owned slut.
No, I don't want to be your domme.

Last edited by saltychip; 10-01-2021 at 07:14 AM.
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