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Old 09-27-2021, 12:05 AM   #1
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Posts: 26
Default Does anyone else experience this? (Hypnosis)

I’ve found when listening to hypno files that even though they tend to have a strong effect on me, it kind of depends on who is in control? Like if there’s a file with a sexual trigger, it will work as long as it’s a woman who says it to me, but not if it’s a man. My guess is because I’m a lesbian so something gets contradicted and maybe also because a lot of trigger files have the qualification “unless it hurts yourself or others” or something like that. Men making sexual advances toward me always sets off a danger alarm in my head (because, you know, men) so maybe I interpret that as something that would hurt me. Just a weird phenomenon I’ve noticed, specifically with erotic hypnosis. Has anyone else felt something similar?
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