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Old 09-16-2021, 06:51 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by tzzzr View Post
Welcum to GD!

While on GetDare in your dedicated kink time you should always be naked.

As a PM Dare you should allow one person a day to control your Lovesense for a set time, 15 minutes or so. This would only apply if they catch you online.

A good beginner dare is to go pantiless for a day, preferably in a dress.
Since I’ve finished my errands for the day, I thought I’d report on what it was like to do your dare in public. I wore the sundress I mentioned before, commando of course, and was also dared by PM to write SLUT across my tits. The top of the dress is a wrap style, however, meaning that’s it’s very low cut and easy to see down if I lean forward (especially since it’s just a little too big for me), so I asked if I could instead write SLUT once on each tit and was told that was fine. I stood in the mirror and wrote the words with liquid eyeliner, since the only markers I currently have are sharpies. It was more embarrassing than I thought it would be to hold a tit in my hand and write on it. It’s difficult to wear a bra with that dress without it showing, and I didn’t want to draw any more attention to that area because I was self-conscious about the bodywriting, so I didn’t wear one.

My first stop was Target. When I got there the first thing I did was stop at the in-store Starbucks for an iced coffee. When I got up to the counter I hunched over a little to reach into my purse when I remembered that I was wearing a looser top and straightened my back. The barista was taller than me, so it’s possible he saw down my top when that happened, but I’m not sure if he did. If he did the words would have been clearly visible. Needless to say, it was mortifying and I made to sure to maintain good posture the rest of the time I was there.

Once I got everything I needed I wanted to leave since I was feeling exposed from the breeze I felt under my dress, and because I was still embarrassed about the Starbucks snafu, but I know the point of this dare is to go about my day like normal, and normally when I’m at Target I stroll through and look at everything that’s new since I was last there. I did that, walking at my normal pace, and all in all was there for nearly an hour. When I checked out, I made sure I brought my purse up to me this time instead of the other way around.

Next I went to the grocery store. That trip was less eventful, I picked up some produce I needed and didn’t really hang around much longer than that. There was a pretty long line for the self-checkouts, so I went to a regular one, but didn’t have another issue with my top. After that I went for a short walk in a local park. It’s a little chilly here today, so I wore a cardigan to keep my arms warm, but my cleavage was still exposed. There was also a pretty constant breeze that I felt under my dress, so it was impossible to forget that I didn’t have panties on. I almost never go commando, and never have in a skirt/dress before, so this was a new feeling.

Once I was finished, I came home and put the groceries away before inserting my medium plug and writing this report. I will continue to wear the dress without panties for the rest of the day, but I won’t be leaving the house again. Thank you for the dare!

(Slap Count: 32)
◃ ◃ ◃ ◃ ◃ ◃ Delaney, 29F, Denied Loser, Married, 38C ▹ ▹ ▹ ▹ ▹ ▹

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