Thread: Death Penalty
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Old 04-20-2011, 11:22 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Aries_Laetus View Post
We just had this discussion in one of my classes the other week or so. The class was about 1/2 and 1/2 on it so we made a T table. On the "yes" side we put to lessen crowding, lessen cost, act as prevention and so on. On the "no" side we did its wrong, eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, vengence is not just, what if they are innocent like they are sometimes....ect. I will cut to the chase. By the end of the class we were all on the no side. We really looked at what we had on each side and rulled them all out except for the "no"' side's vengence and get them off the face of the world points. We found facts and examples for this whole thing. And the only reason we could see people justifying giving someone the death penalty was to rid them off the faace of the earth. Now, there are some truly horrifying people on this earth, and they I would gladly like to be rid of for all of our sakes. But what about the innocent? What happens to them? They die for no reason other than a bad way of doing things. I understand, they killed your little girl, she was only 22, I get that. But they have a family too. What happens to them? 1005 of people in a poll about this said they did NOT feel better after the killers death. NOT. That is the key word. If we are looking for "an eye for an eye" so to speak, and then do NOT feel better after it? Doesnt that make it wrong for everyone? Leave them in jail, let them rot in a cement room with 2 hrs of tv a day and no visitors. Let the not see how their families grow. Let them miss out on life for taking another's. I believe that is how it should be.

Sorry a bit of a rant there.

Yes I guess innocents can be killed but it's unlikely. To say no to the death penalty simply for that reason is like saying guns should be illegal because innocent people can be killed
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