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Old 05-28-2021, 02:25 AM   #161
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 43
Blog Entries: 2

1. What type of underwear do you wear?
Hipsters or bikini are my go to but I have a few of most styles all of which varies in fabric (satin, lace, cotton, spandexy, etc.
2. How many pairs do you own?
I don’t know for sure but I think around 30
3. Do you have pairs that are frayed or have holes in?
Yes but they’re strictly used as period panties
4. How often do you change them?
I try to change them daily but sometimes I just can’t be bothered
5. Any underwear with unusual pictures on? (Describe)
6. Any underwear with words on? (describe)
I have some with the brand names... like Victoria Secret, Calvin Klein, Vince Camuto, etc.
7. Have you worn underwear of oposite sex?
Yes, boxers are insanely comfortable
8. Are you wearing any now?
Nopeeee 😉
9. Do you go comando often?
All the time! Usually when I wear leggings or workout shorts
10. Have you ever lost or left your underwear anywhere? (describe)
I don’t think so?? But I did have my emergency pair (just a basic black thong) fall out of my bag on a flight to Barbados
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