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Old 03-30-2011, 06:21 AM   #69
getDare Succubus
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Default A Long Time Coming - Epilogue

(To all who have read this story and its previous installments, I extend a heartfelt thank you. I do have other stories planned, even though I cannot tell when I will be able to start them. I hope you enjoy this conclusion.)

Frank closed the door and turned to face Danielle. She smiled at him, and she rubbed her exposed belly, now round from a few months of pregnancy.

About one year ago, everything had changed. An intense game of sexual truth or dare had taken its participants to the brink and back, and now, their entire world view had changed.

"How's my lovely girlfriend doing right now?"
"I'm good. It kicks."
"That's nice... can I feel?"

She placed his hand on her exposed belly. It took a moment but he finally felt it.

"Ain't it great. Janie's gonna have a little friend to play with in about four months."
"Janie's still a little young."

They stared across the room at Rita, her top down, breastfeeding her baby, Jane (aka Janie). Jacques was probably somewhere nearby in an adjacent room of the large hotel suite.

"I hope we get to enjoy Montreal for the time we're here. You know, get in some sights, maybe visit a few museums."
"We could do that."

Frank and Danielle walked into the living room. Rita raised her head and smiled at them.

"She's drinking something fierce."
"If she's anything like her mother, she's gonna be fierce all over."
"Hush now, Dan, she's not even a year old."

Rita looked about.

"Where are the others?"
"Don't know. I think they went out for a while."
"I know Jacob wanted to go to the pool. I think Julie and Sandra are with him, but I'm not so sure about Laurie."
"And Jacques?"
"Don't know..."
"Are you sure you won't join us later?" Frank asked Rita.
"Thanks so much, but I have little Janie to care for."
"Someone could take over once you're done, " Dan pointed out.
"True, but I'm good. I had my fill this morning..."

She giggled.

"I know. Julie is so awesome," Dan laughed along.
"I still can't believe she let Jacques do that to her..." Rita said.
"Well, everyone evolves, if they want to."
"I still don't think she's ready to have a cock inside her, though..."
"Maybe never. It doesn't really matter, " Frank concluded.

The door to the bathroom opened, and Jacques walked out.

"What's going on?"
"Nothing much. We're waiting on the others to return."
"Shame Cedric and Felicity could not join us, " Rita said.
"Shame... but they'll be here next time, I imagine."

Jacques stared at Danielle's round belly.

"And how is the little soldier doing?"
"Marching on in there... sometimes. Sleeping right now, I think."
"Good plan."

As Jacques sat beside Rita, Danielle pulled Frank away.

"Frank, are you sure you don't want the test?"
"Of course I don't. Why do you keep asking?"
"It's just... the way it was conceived."
"Honey, I will love it - and you - regardless of who the father is."
"You were the first one to come into me, so I'm guessing it's you, but..."
"Would you like to have the test done?"
"No. Not really. I just love you so much..."
"And I love you."

The door opened and in walked a quatuor of familiar faces: Jacob, Laurie, Julie and Sandra.

"Where have you been?"
"Swimming," Laurie replied.
"I sincerely hope you have not been fucking each others' brains out!" Jacques replied.
"Relax, Romeo, we know what's going on..." Julie replied in the same tone.

Everyone laughed.

"Well, I guess everyone is here, then..." Frank said.

There was a tense moment of silence in the room.

"We should not keep our guest waiting."

Everyone smiled, then started to get undressed, except for Rita.

"I'll put her to bed and join in on the action later..."

Jacques kissed her lips. Everyone was completely naked as they headed back towards the bedroom. Frank opened the door.

Inside the room, a lovely young woman of hispanic origin was tied to the bed with ropes, completely naked, her mouth gagged and her eyes covered, her legs spread wide. Right beside her, another lovely young woman, equally naked, Lucy, was gently caressing the nude figure with a feather. Frank told Lucy to remove the gag but not the blindfold.

The girl gasped for a moment, still reeling under the ticklish nature of her predicament.

"Good day, Ines."
"Oh! God... I can't take much more of this."
"It`s what you wanted."
"Yeah well... wow... Rita told me you were wild but this is beyond anything... I'm about ready to explode."
"I'm glad you're enjoying."
"And how... but what's next?"

Frank cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well, Ines, welcome to the Blindfold Club. For the record, you are the tenth person we have initiated into our group. What happens from here is very simple. Each and everyone of us gets a turn with you, boy or girl, according to their own desires. You will not know who is doing what specifically, and you don't have to do anything except play along and be on the receiving end of some very nice treatment..."
"If at any time you want to call it quits, you simply say STOP and we will stop. If you need to see the face of the person doing things to you, you can ask for it, but we'd rather you did not."
" A random determination will tell who goes first, and in what order after that... are you ready to get your mind and body rocked?"
"Oh... I am so ready..."
"Good. Because we're a lot of people here, so this is bound to take up some of your time."
"I can live with that."

Frank paused for a moment.

"And, as a bonus for you, we have some of our newer members coming in a bit later; they're going to want to have their way with you as well."

Ines shivered as to what was going to happen.

"When it's all said and done, you're going to have to tell me how you came up with this awesome group..."

Frank smiled and took Danielle's hand.

"I will. Right now, I'll just tell you, it was a long time coming."
"Well, I hope for me that it will be a long time coming too."
"Don't you mean, coming for a long time?"

Everyone giggled. The game was afoot again, and the Blindfold Club was about to initiate a new member into its fold. And it was still as amazing as that first time, about one year ago.


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Last edited by Leopard; 04-12-2011 at 09:22 PM.
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