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Old 05-22-2010, 10:41 AM   #5
getDare Succubus
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Default One fateful day 3

The sound of the fountain was almost drowned out by the hum of the crowd, but Danielle and Frank were both very focused on its gentle echo; they barely noticed the throngs of people walking back and forth around them or the bustling business of the shops. This moment was theirs, and nothing could break their happiness.

They were sitting on a bench facing the fountain; Danielle's arm was wrapped around Frank's. Once in a while, she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"This is nice."
"Yes it is..."

They had agreed to make this afternoon as fun as possible - and for the moment, that meant staying there, close to one another, staring at the water pouring down into the fountain, and just letting everything else melt away.

"We should really do something."
"Yes, we should..."

Danielle laughed. Doing nothing was perfect for her right now. She was content with her situation; Stan was out of her life for good, Frank was definitely back in, and nothing else had importance. She had her life back, she had stopped being a prisoner of her own desires and needs. She was now acknowledging what she had subconsciously known all this time but had been afraid to admit: she loved Frank, loved him so much. Thoughts of mariage were already popping into her mind, but she knew not to get ahead of herself. She even imagined herself carrying his children. That's how she knew how much he meant to her. Of course, these were things she would not share with him just yet - not for a long time maybe. But knowing the feelings were there made all the difference to her.

Frank's mind was elsewhere, more on immediate concerns. He knew his time alone with Danielle was precious, not because there would not be other opportunities, but because Rita and Jacques would soon be arriving, and once they were there, the dynamic would change. He did not really mind if it did - he just knew that for the length of time where Rita and Jacques would be there, he could not be as intimate with Danielle as he wanted.

He also anticipated tomorrow's events with a bit of anxiety. True, he was friends with all the people that would be there - he barely knew Jacques and Rita, but he was sure they would get along fine. But the fact that friends were involved made him somewhat nervous, given the nature of the planned activity. Everyone involved had to know that this type of activity would lead to sexual situations, and that sometimes changed relationships. He remembered vividly how such an activity had set him into the arms of Sandra - who would also be there.

It was better to revel in the moment and let tomorrow attend to itself, he realized.

Danielle straightened herself.

"I have an idea."
"Let's go."

They both got up, and Danielle dragged Frank almost halfway across the mall. They entered a clothing store - not the same one where they had met Sandra - and Danielle started browsing for clothes.

"What do you have in mind?"
"You'll see."

Frank was thinking Danielle had the idea for a reprisal of their earlier dare, a few weeks before that. In truth, it was something along those lines, but with a twist. Danielle told Frank to pick up some random items to try out.

After picking up a few items, the two made their way to the changing booths. Danielle's plan was simple, and she smiled at Frank as she whispered her idea to him.

"Well... it's fairly simple. We pick a booth, and take turns trying out the clothes, which we have to showcase the other... but here's the thing... it's been six years now, since we've seen each other naked... so... why don't we make a game of it?"
"Go on..."
"Well... we start with a full outfit, then we remove one item from the set... until we end up naked... or until we're found out and get kicked out."
"Are you serious?"
"I am... if you're game."
"We stay in the booth naked?"
"We can... if we're daring, we take a gentle stroll around the booth..."

The dare had been set. The game was back on.
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