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Old 05-08-2021, 12:07 AM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 50
Default The educational hiking trip. part 5

Pretty sad how I can see 330+ views off my efforts, but a mere 5 reactions to my postings.
Perhaps this platform isn't the best place to get some input on my work. If the work isn't pleasing to you, please tell me, that too is good to know. Still 16 parts+ to go , but perhaps I should try it somewhere else to get any response?

Anyways here is part 5 for what it's worth.

Have fun, and don't forget to leave me a message!


part 5 the girls join in

The girls settled down next to each other on the other side of the firepit, and we made our acquaintance. The girl I thought I knew was indeed the one and she was hiking with her friends just like we were. All of us were wise enough not to let the other team know we allready knew them to be here. So we acted like we were just getting to know eachother.
Chrissie, the girl I allready knew then asked us about the decks of cards and whether we were playing. We acknowledged and Linda, one of the other girls asked: Wanna play some more?".
George said: "yeah, we could but we usually play for stakes."
Of course the girls knew that, but the third girl Elly just said:"Well of course otherwise where is the fun? So what's the stake?"
We looked at each other and then I just said: "Well we usually play for dares for the looser or loosers, you up for that?"
The girls looked at each other and smiled and Chrissie said: "Sure no problem, we do that too sometimes! Deal us in!"
So Patrick took up the cards and shuffled them, we started a game with just one loser, one winner.
Fate would have it, I lost the first game and to no other than one of the girls, Linda. I became a bit nervous but then she asked: "Truth or dare?"
Very relieved thinking of what she could have made me do. I quickly answered "Truth."
She asked:"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No" I answered.
Chrissie said:"How lame, I could have told you that!"
"How do you know, Chrissie?" I asked
She answered "Well I've seen you around and you are never with someone so I kinda guessed"
Before long the discussion ended up in us knowing that none of us had anyone at this time.
Resuming the game a few truths came around and we started to know a little bit more of eachother. When Patrick lost to me, he thought what the hell and went for dare trusting me in being gentle. However I felt like it was time to be a bit more agressive in this game so I thought up a good one: "okay then uh, go into the water and when your under take your shorts off an show them above the water."
The girls where laughing and Patrick got a bit flushed in the face. But he stood up took his shirt off and walked in the water and turned around when he was in deep. George, me and the girls stood watching by the side off the pond and Chrissie yelled: "Go for it!" Patrick moved around a bit and then he showed his shorts above his head.
Linda then shouted "Toss them here!" We all laughed.
But Patrick stood still looked at Linda and said: "Come and get them!"
All of us just said to go for it and laughed. Linda looked at her friends and then with a naugthy look on her face ran into the water towards Patrick. Patrick huried away. He was lucky to be a good swimmer, but he showed his butt plunging though. The girls and us laughed. Linda couldn't catch up to him so at some point she stood in the water and yelled:"You said I could come and get them!"
Patrick said:" Well sure, but fair is fair, I'll trade them for your shirt". Linda looked surprised and was thinking. Chrissie and Elly shouted "Do it Linda it's just your boobs!"
"Yeah mine! Easy for you to say, why don't you guys offer yours?" Linda said. The girls went silent and looked puzzled, thinking. Then Chrissie turned to George and me and said:"Why not make it a team exchange we all go in and us girls we trade our shirts for your shorts! I dare you!" George and I looked at eachother then at Patrick who was still swimming around not to get caught by Linda. And then we said:"Ok, deal!" at the same time. The girls immediately went into the water and stood in line in deep water. That allready, was a nice sight, wet t-shirts don't leave much to the imagination, so we guys were surely getting aroused. After losing our t-shirts we went in the water and joined Patrick. He was still holding his shorts in his hands and we followed suit taking them off as well and showed the girls.
Just like them we stood in line facing them about 3 metres in between. Then the girls looked at each other. At the same time they went under the water neck down. The movements in the water told us they were indeed stripping there shirts of. They came up just enough for us to get our second view of their nice boobs this day.
They presented their shirts stretching their arms towards us. We looked at each other and going deep down in the water we ever so slowly moved towards the girls, arms stretched forward, one to take the shirts of the girls, in the other our shorts to be givven in this trade.
Once we got close we quickly made the trade and stood there naked in the water with just a girls shirt left in our hand. The girls made their way out of the water and settled back down by the fire and called to us:"Come on guys next round!"
George said to us: "well at least we have them topless now, and we can still hide our goods behind this shirt" And leading the way he walked out of the water using the shirt as a small towel around his waist. We followed doing the same and settled back by the fire, blushing heavily. The girls smiled, and made no effort to hide their chests. We enjoyed the view. Elly spoke up first: "Mmm, like what I see, but you guys are a bit shy using our shirts to cover up."
"Yeah sure, but no-one said we couldn't make some good use of them" George answered.
"Yeah, that's fair, so how can we get our shirts back now?" Linda asked.
"Well you could play for them" I said, not thinking of the consequence if we lost.
"Now that's a good idea" Chrissie said "however since this is somewhat of a girls against boys thing, let's play as teams. If you boys lose we get our shirts back. If you win we do a dare, all three of us." she added.
Us boys looked at eachother and grinned. "Ok" we said. The rules were set and Linda dealt the cards.
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