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Old 05-05-2021, 08:01 AM   #8
Account Banned
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 18

1. what sneakers do you have?(be specific. brand, color, model, etc.)i don't own sneakers. I work out barefoot or in socks.
2. what size?5
3. what footwear do you prefer?heels
4. do you always wear socks with your sneakers?n/a
5. how bad do your sneakers smell?n/a
6. have you ever been gagged with a sneaker?n/a
7. would you gag yourself with a sneaker for a dare?n/a
8. have you ever been in a cast? (for a broken bone)not for broken bones but for bondage
if so what color, type, and how long were you in it?pink fiber glass and white plaster
9. would you be willing to be put in a cast for fun/bondage?yep
10. have you ever had braces?ive used leg braces, head braces, etc. but teeth, no
11. if so did you have any special appliances like headgearn/a
12. whats the biggest thing you have ever put in your mouth?a big dildo
13. how many people have you slept with?2
14. what is the last thing you had in your ass? pussy?dildo
15. what is the most disgusting thing you have ever done?idk
16. what is your deepest darkest secret?i dont have nay. ask away
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